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changing track, how do you get the drive shaft out??


Feb 6, 2006
Pennellville, NY
2010 Apex
Pennellville, NY
Ok I got a 121x14x1 hacksaw track with 192 woodys megabites down the middle. I also got the anti ratchet drivers and new drive shaft bearings. How is best to get the drive shaft out. I have all the gears and chain out of the chain case, The speedo side is also disconnected and unbolted. I took the starhead set screws out of the bearing collar on the speedo side and the collor holding the first driver in place. I cant seam to move that first driver though?? I thought if I could slide itI may be able to move the shaft far enough to the speedo side that I would be able to drop it down and pull it out... there is a 14mm bolt head on the speedo side of the shaft. does that need to come out?? Any help is greatly appreciated.

take out that bolt if I remember that holds a splined looked boss thats where the sensor reads the speed. It then will be shorter and come out
Take the bolts out of chaincase that hold to bulkhead and move chaincase,shaft will come out.
I took that bolt out with the splines but I cant get the shaft to go through the hole without getting the bearing off and I cant get it off. I took the entire chain case off but cant get it out that way either. Any suggestions?? Thanks!!
Are the drivers getting caught up in the track cogs and stopping you from moving the shaft? You should have enough clearance with chaincase loose.
There is no track on the sled. I have the chaincase off the sled so all I have on that side is a hole and a shaft. On the other side I still have the bearing on the shaft. As far as I can see this bearing is gunna have to come off there to get the shaft out. I cant seam to get the bearing off though?? I took out the star shaped set screws in the collar that was on the inside of the bearing and I have the housing all off on the outside. I can slide the shaft back and forth some but not enough to drop one end or the other out of the holes. It looks like I need to get this bearing off before its coming out???
yes the bearing has to come off to get shaft out. somtimes they get rusted to the shaft, you may have to get a bearing puller to pull it off
It is a locking collar bearing. There are two small set screws on the shaft, you can reach them from inside the tunnel. The set screws are takes Torxs 15 bits if I remember it right. Loosen the set screws and tap on the locking collar lightly with a hammer or something and it will come off the shaft.
Tap it off the shaft from the inside towards the outside of the tunnnel !( torx set screws must be out first)
howdo you get in there to tap it out?? I can pry on the bearing but thats about all I can do in that space. I was trying to separate the lock collar from the bearing but nothing is moving. I will go back out and lay under it and try to figure a way to tap on the color from the inside... :o|
