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Cold weather riding are the Phazers cold compared to normal


Aug 21, 2006
How are the Phazers in this cold weather compared to a normal sled. With the weather we are haveing sub zeros, I am just curious they look like you would get alot of air in the mid section and knee area. Thanks

Out west here, not an issue, BUT we did have a streak of 0-8 degree riding days, and I tell you what............

My wife would not ride the phazer. She rode my RX-1 the entire days, because the phazer was just brutally cold. Now this is an FX, with the small windshield.

So in my opinion, below 15 degrees the sled is very cold.
Not so bad. I used the stock fx windscreen and added the wind deflectors from the gt and it works really well. Without the wind deflectors I almost froze my knees and balls off...
It was -10(F) on Saturday when I went for a ride. With the Wind Chill it was -30(F). The FX was suprisingly warm.

The only cold areas on my body were knees and neck. These are probably specific to the FX, because the windgaurds on the GT would probably keep my knees warm and a larger windhield would deflect all the cold air that the FX windshield misses.

-15*f on Friday when I went for a ride and no problems. You must be properly clothed to withstand those temps. I was not any colder than anyone on an Apex, RX-1, or Viper in our group. This is a Phazer FX with stock windshield and no other add-ons.
I have a FX that I put on a GT windshield for my wife she didn't complain once about being cold actually she complained about the grips getting to hot. Besides the engine overheat light came on about every 10-15 miles and had to tip it on it's side and knock the slush/ice out of the front of the track between the track and heat exchanger. But a fan is on its way hopefully to get rid of that problem. Its a very fun sled to drive in the woods.
People kept asking me on the trail last week when it was -40 windchill about mine with the custom cut windshield and a open face Arai helmet. I was warm. like srxspec said proper clothes are the key.
I have to agree thats its clothing and the individual! Some dont even like to ride in the cold! We were riding in -22F and it was fine. After about ten minutes i got a little chill then it was fine after that! Or, maybe I was froze and thats why I felt fine!!
I think its a good topic but, realistically I believe it all really depends on the people, clothes, and not really on the sled? :Rockon:
OK actually that was a joke... :tg:
Public toilet women ? must be something local up north ;)! But at least that proves that you are not 20 years old anymore :tg:
20 years ago I had probably never seen a sled live :-o First time I drove one was in 2000. Oh these sled-illegal districts are boring....

- 10C here, not snowing.
I've done alot of very cold riding (-40F) windchills in the -60 range... the only complaint I have of an area getting cold... affects only the men in the group.

With that open bottom windshield on the GT, open as in air above your knees and air below your elbows gets in,... it assists the inside of your legs in channelling cold air to areas which might affect your manhood.

LOL, I know... but Im serious, I tried a few different snow pants and I got some good ones now but it was an issue for me on the ones that had a zipper in that area. :) Otherwise I was nice and warm in my Yamaha gear.

We went rideing on a -4 degree day. And no problem on the body with the cold. Only thing I had a prob with was the hand guards and I just flipped them so it would keep the wind off my fingers. I agree with the others on here about being dressed for the weather. I carry spare layers just in case. The other thing I'd like to point out is the Fx which I have is a mogul banger and that type of sled with the small windshield is meant to be physical so if you get cold ride harder you'll warm up. Otherwise you may want to go to more of a cruiser type sled with more protection. So at slow speed you will be warmer.
Have the low shield on my sled and I find it fine. I wear a Tekvest as well that really keeps help you warm. Sometimes too warm. I have not noticed the cold at all and have ridden in windy weather and -10 C.
