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Curiosity -no compression

so if that's true why have a light...they are supposed to retard and go limp
I dont know about d&d and precision but turbo dynamics and hurricane have successful working knock protection systems in place that do what they are supposed to do.
I'm sure all say that. Less than 1 week ago, Sylvain at PEFI told me theirs (deto/knock protection programming) was the first on the market in late 2016/early 2017 for the 998. He said theirs is still the most sensitive (some might say PEFI's is too sensitive as even chassis "noise" can trigger it) and the best. I took that to mean that it will protect the engine from damage if deto occurs.
Don't they all say this?!!
Yet we continue to hear of 998's that "blew up" due to deto or as dealers say "bad gas." Granted, lately it seems those stories are related to PEFI sleds. Why the apparent disconnect between what the tuners are saying and the reality of the owners who have had these sleds go down?
Even if someone gets "bad gas" or the engine goes lean, why does the engine "blow up?" I just don't understand why the deto protection system doesn't protect the engine??!!!! It should work even at WFO. Anyone explain this to me I'd appreciate it.
I'm sure all say that. Less than 1 week ago, Sylvain at PEFI told me theirs (deto/knock protection programming) was the first on the market in late 2016/early 2017 for the 998. He said theirs is still the most sensitive (some might say PEFI's is too sensitive as even chassis "noise" can trigger it) and the best. I took that to mean that it will protect the engine from damage if deto occurs.
Don't they all say this?!!
Yet we continue to hear of 998's that "blew up" due to deto or as dealers say "bad gas." Granted, lately it seems those stories are related to PEFI sleds. Why the apparent disconnect between what the tuners are saying and the reality of the owners who have had these sleds go down?
Even if someone gets "bad gas" or the engine goes lean, why does the engine "blow up?" I just don't understand why the deto protection system doesn't protect the engine??!!!! It should work even at WFO. Anyone explain this to me I'd appreciate it.
FALSE ADVERTISING. After I get a second opinion that my engine is a basket case due to deto, I am going to start a shitstorm.
Hurricane and TDs knock protection does retard timing and Boost you can see it if you have dtalogging. The very early tunes did not.
You can see it IF datalogging IF there is deto. You can feel the de-tuning when knock light comes on with every tune. Shuts engine down big time. About throws you over handlebars.
PEFI told me that by the time only 3 deto counts have occurred, their programming already is reducing timing and reducing boost. To which I say we don't know that.
So back to the $7000 (cost of 998 engine) question - with ANY tune out there, all of whom claim they have the best deto protection there is - WHY do sleds still "blow up" or "go down" that have this knock detection system?! All say this can't happen because their knock detection is so good.
Please tell me so I can be educated.
You can see it IF datalogging IF there is deto. You can feel the de-tuning when knock light comes on with every tune. Shuts engine down big time. About throws you over handlebars.
PEFI told me that by the time only 3 deto counts have occurred, their programming already is reducing timing and reducing boost. To which I say we don't know that.
So back to the $7000 (cost of 998 engine) question - with ANY tune out there, all of whom claim they have the best deto protection there is - WHY do sleds still "blow up" or "go down" that have this knock detection system?! All say this can't happen because their knock detection is so good.
Please tell me so I can be educated.
I guess their out in my case is the knock light only flashed 2 times and about 30 seconds apart. So what if the station I bought the gas from had pulled a fast one and was selling say 87 octane with 10% ethanol in their 91 pump, or heck if I screwed up and put the wrong gas in (never), the knock light should have lit up ferociously under moderate acceleration correct? But I saw nothing under a full pull all the way up until I saw 9300 rpms. This was on my very first run with the flash, so I knew my clutching was off, and I backed down and drove for a mile and then got the FIRST single flash at 8400 at slow steady acceleration?
Is it possible that revving it to 9,300 caused your problems?
You can see it IF datalogging IF there is deto. You can feel the de-tuning when knock light comes on with every tune. Shuts engine down big time. About throws you over handlebars.
PEFI told me that by the time only 3 deto counts have occurred, their programming already is reducing timing and reducing boost. To which I say we don't know that.
So back to the $7000 (cost of 998 engine) question - with ANY tune out there, all of whom claim they have the best deto protection there is - WHY do sleds still "blow up" or "go down" that have this knock detection system?! All say this can't happen because their knock detection is so good.
Please tell me so I can be educated.
I am by no means an expert but I have tuned my last 3 eco boost trucks(5 star tuning) and know that knock sensor tuning is a very intricate procedure. It needs to be done by an expert tuner. Miss the boat on a frequency or timing value or have a bad sensor and boom. I would be willing to bet the knock detection on these sleds is not perfect. Different tuners have slightly different parameters. Way too many variables to consider. An eco boost engine has a way more sophisticated knock system being able to adjust timing to fuel octane almost instantly. It will also dump boost. Good fuel, low IATs a good fuel system proper A/F ratios and data logging are your best bet to keep these engines alive.Also lower hp tunes are safer of course.
Not RPM related. Lots of sleds bounce off rev limiters from time to time. Does not hurt engine which is why there is a rev limiter.
Bouncing off the rev limiter is not a good idea and blowing a belt under full power can also result in a dropped valve. Another Yamaha motor down fall . Valve shim retainers recommended for at least the exhaust side.
