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Curve skis - Tried different carbides

Wow! Can't believe the responses here. I absolutely love the Curves and Nytro specific set ( standard Nytro FX). Sean and Nick are great guys and would work with you to set things up right. It could be that I took care of all the issues at once with the ball joint machining, and the sport spring/valve package from Hygear, but my sled rocks. When conditions get a little icy I just dial a little more ski pressure in and I am good. I am also a heavier rider. Just put some studs on because the front would plant on the ice and the back end would come around crazy. Hope the studs don't alter things too much. I'll try messing with the ski pressure if there is too much bite. I have found these sleds react very differently to minor changes. I would suggest small adjustments. My thoughts. :home:
Yeah, I'm also surprised by some of the posts. The Curve skis turn very well, better than the Sly Dog's and Ultra Flex III (a C&A copy) I've used in the past. I was just commenting on the Nytro specific skags, they don't have anything to do with how the ski turns in snow.

Last weekend I had my sled on out snow covered MX track and the skis turned extremely well and held their line in the corners. My Ultra Flex III'S tended to make my Nytro stand up in the corners and the Sly Dog race skis didn't stick in the corners as well as the Curves.

If anyone has questions just ask here or shoot me a PM. The handling on the Nytro is the most difficult to dial in of any sled I've ever owned. There is no one item a guy can buy or a magic bullet that is going to fix the Nytro. The Curves are hands down better than the stock skis!
Holly smokes! What's been going on in here fellas? Does Curve Industries not support its products and customers 110%? If you'd like to send your skis back, we'll happily take them. That's how we do business.

However, if you care to support a company that is helping to progress snowmobiling not only on a domestic manufacturing and innovation level but also on a level that gains public acceptance of the sport, we're your go-to guys. There is a reason you can call us day or night, Monday through Sunday - because we care and want you to have the best. When times are tough and most companies cut back, we work harder, release new products and offer even more value.

After 100% rave SnowGoer, SnowTech and AmSnow magazine reviews, we were bound to have a few discontent customers. Luck has nothing to do with the fact that they make up roughly 2% of our sales base. The fact is Nick and I stop at NOTHING to deliver you with the absolute finest aftermarket products on the snow. Period.

I highly recommend you hang onto your Curve XS skis - You'll be grinning ear to ear all winter because of it.

- Sean

P.S. The Nytro specific bar has been discontinued and in it's place is the Snow Studs 4" round for the 121" and 6" round for the XTX.

I am surprised at the discontent. All I can say is Sean and Nick have provided the best product support I have experienced in the sport by far and its not even close. Heck I even sent an email late one night about toe out on the XTX figuring I wouldn't be able to finish till the next morning. I was wrong! I got an email response 2 mins after I sent it.

Not to mention all the help these guys have given me when I was debating on carbides.

Anyway, I have yet to try my Curves out but from everything else my purchase has been nothing but a great experience.

Thanks Sean and Nick!
Curve Industries said:
You bet Mike! Word on the street is... snow's coming soon :)

- Sean


Word is right! White out conditions here in WI. Blizzard warning through tomorrow night with total accumulations in the 12"-15"! I am fortunately enough to be in one of the only counties that will open the trails early so tomorrow morning can't come soon enough! :Rockon:
I can attest to the fact that Curve works very hard to help guys out and they want their customers to be satisifed. The product support they offer is unmatched!
Thanks AKrider! We go above and beyond for everyone. The Nytro specific bar is without a doubt, the best bar for an '08 Nytro in most conditions as BigBlue pointed out however, they do have pitfalls which is why we've settled with a conventional 4" round bar from here on out.

It is important to take note of how hard we've worked to tackle this chassis. It's been a long road with lots of trial and error - sometimes trial by fire as well. We're willing to accept that success doesn't come easy especially with skis. However, we work day in and day out to make your experience better than ever. This is why we developed and released the Leading Edge, are currently working diligently on the High Side Steering project along with countless other industry first products that will surely provide a quantum leap from convention upon their release.

Stand strong with us and we'll continue to work ever so hard for you!

- Sean

Way to stay on your game Sean. I knew I had to drive all the way to the Toronto show for something. Why the new bars. Explain please.

Thanks Marc! It was great seeing you and Tom up at Toronto since we were wondering what happened to you at Big East.

We stopped production on the Nytro Specific bar because of complaints from people on icy corners and a few instances where the carbide fell out before anyone ever rode them. The 4" round bar was a nice compromise as you simply don't need anything more on that chassis. We still have a couple Nytro Specifics in stock if you'd like us to hold them for you!

- Sean

