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Dear, Mr. Wade West and Market Management Team


Jan 19, 2006
K-Town, MI
Good afternoon,

Don't worry this is not going to be a bashing email and I get the reasons for moving to the SR chasis so let me start by saying kudos. I would want to know them better before jumping in as well!

I would however like to make a humble request on behalf of all Yamaha trail riders. Many of us that buy new machines every year or two have sat through the very nice incremental improvements to our trail sleds. Outside of the 2009 nytro I would say for the most part they deliver as promised. One VOC data point you obviously heard loud and clear was Nytro trail riders especially in Michigan, Ontario and Quebec wanting SC's for our long flat trails and deep powder off trail environments as you offered the SC as a catalogue item.

As a Nytro xtx/sc owner I can tell you I have never been happier with the sled and the MPI quality is awesome. I have 2k miles on this season and zero issues. I actually left Yamaha for two years after the 2009 Nytro and rode an XRS...Came back after riding the xtx and getting the option to SC.

So here is my ask on be half of all of us: Please make sure you offer an MPI/SC option for the 2014 viper power surge and give us the option you gave the mountain guys a couple of years ago. I can gaurantee it will seal the deal for many of us that are on the fence! Esepcially if Cat is going to offer it. I hope you did not sign that option over as part of your supply agreement and/or just going to make it the Apex next season. If so I am afraid several loyalists will be on a different color.

Thank you very much,

Aw c'mon. I've been waiting for sc/turbo for 9 yrs. Thought this yr was it. Fingers crossed. It's the Apex's turn in my book. But hey I'm willing to share just put it on a bunch of models!
I thought this was a no brainer for Yammi on this sled. Sounds like this would get alot of guys off the fence. We will see.
pat the rat said:
Ya,but when you turbo a yammi,your in the 200 hp range,not fair,really,just sayin

What is not fair about a Yamaha factory turbo when Cat offers one?

If Cat offers a turbo on their version of the Viper and Yamaha does not that would be an "unfair" sales advantage. I sure hope that Yamaha did not agree to let Cat have exclusive rights to a factory turbo version.
