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deleting a killswitch

Jan 16, 2014
Has anyone ever deleted the red emergency stop button on their nytro? Would like to but am unsure what to do. I have a tether hooked up instead.

Why? It may be needed legally depending on where you are. When I imported a Phazer from the US, the inspection form indicated one of the requirements was a kill switch.

Not sure how yet but I will be figuring it out soon. I also have a tether, side hilling today and I got caught In a rut and bucked forward a bit well chest hit the handle bars and killed it, now your on the side of the hill trying to get pointed down with no power until you are able to get straight and re start.
Can you wrap a zip tie around the stem of the kill switch so it can not be pressed in? This might solve the problem without the hassle of deleting the switch.

I have seen this on a lot of older machines used for racing... not sure if it will work on a nytro switch though but it might be worth a try.
Straight_up_XTX said:
Can you wrap a zip tie around the stem of the kill switch so it can not be pressed in? This might solve the problem without the hassle of deleting the switch.

I have seen this on a lot of older machines used for racing... not sure if it will work on a nytro switch though but it might be worth a try.
Awesome idea. Might take a couple ties but should work. Thanks.
You can try a rubber band as that has been done also.
How is your tether installed. My kit came with an option to delete the kill switch. All you need to do is unhook it and loop the wires that were headed to it to make a curcuit. I have an OFT tether kit and getting rid of the kills with was the best thing I've done. The the
Tether serves as my kill switch
yam177 said:
We just cut them out and wired in the Cat Snow Pro Kill switchs... Stupid red ones break off when you roll the sled

This is so funny i saw this today because i did that this weekend and messed with the switch for prob 15-20 mins to get the kill switch back up because when i rolled it, it killed the engine :o| :o|
