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Does anyone else just ride their sleds?


Mar 4, 2007
By The Trails in NH Lakes Region
With the late 60's and 70's vintage sleds, I HAD to keep mucking with them in order to keep them running and performing well.

As time has gone by, the 'out of the box' performance and reliability of new sleds has increased dramatically (epescially Yamaha ;).

Maybe it is just because I don't have the time, but I have no interest in instantly changing as much as I can on a sled when I get it.

Forums like this a great for folks who have the desire, time, and inclination to change everything from the color to the track - but I'm just curious as to how many other members are happy, for the most part, to leave well enough alone. In other words, if it is not broke, don't fix it.

Is there ANYONE else like that out there? ;)

I've kept all my sleds stock up until just this year with the Phazer. Same train of thought as yourself, to many horror stories of turning the wrench more than riding.

With the Phazer, I knew when I purchased it last year that I would be doing something to customize it. I kept it stock last year to get a feel for the first year gremlins...nothing major, just PIA things that should have been caught in prototypes.

I have installed a Hauck kit, tore every piece of metal off (bumpers/A arms/spindles/etc...) for powder coating, painted the panels and a few other ideas. Next year I may go with some Nos... :Rockon:

This sled is awesome...I've had more fun on this than any other sled I've owned... :Rockon:
keeping it stock? whats the fun in that. then u just have a sled that any one else can have. when u buy something that coast u thousands of bucks its a man law that u have to customize it to make it better then evey one elses or at least better then every one elses in ur eyes. u dont have to do anythng major but like some graphics paint this put a differnt set of skis on just little stuff. well thats atleast how look at it. cause u might not be the fastest sled on the trail but if u look like it ull feel like u are.

as a freind of me once said when we tryed leaving from my house and his sled a POS POL couldnt make it up the hill. " well atleast we look good"
hmm, ride it you say... well that's quite an idea you have there, hehehe.

Really though, it all depends on the type of person you are. Me, I like to wrench on just about anything, put some nifty new parts on maybe some performance upgrades, it's just how I've done things my whole life. Now the other side of the coin, I do now and ride with guys that that don't know anything about there sleds other that to put gas and, if needed, oil in. If something breaks or isn't right, even if its just something simple, back to the dealer they go.

I enjoy a getting a slight edge on others.Its a competitive thing.Factory built sled models are all fairly equal at least in power.So gotta mod but try to keep to a minimum since moving up models is almost always easier.Once snow flies and first testing runs done.Nothing is touched other than maintainence or if its broke.Way more fun riding than wrenching.
I think a lot of people do just ride their sleds but they don't typically post near as much as those who love to wrench on them as well.
I just ride mine. that is after I work on it all summer. LOL I did try and get Mama to play on it with me once, but as usual she declined. Maxdlx
You can't leave ANY of your toy's alone, can you Paul LOL!!
Just ride it!! / Here's the difference / When we started out snowmobiling having frozen fingers , cuts on your hands and long walks home were part of the deal. Todays newcomers dont assimiliate to that time period, as the new sled are far removed from what they were .We're tired of monkeying with these things, they on the other hand dont deal with the reliability issue (for the most part) , therefore they fool with them until they make them unreliable. later/ jim-bob
jim-bob said:
Just ride it!! / Here's the difference / When we started out snowmobiling having frozen fingers , cuts on your hands and long walks home were part of the deal. Todays newcomers dont assimiliate to that time period, as the new sled are far removed from what they were .We're tired of monkeying with these things, they on the other hand dont deal with the reliability issue (for the most part) , therefore they fool with them until they make them unreliable. later/ jim-bob

Not everyone fools with them till they are broken. I myself enjoy tuneing an engine to achieve more horse power. The phazer is a neat package and with a shred more power this sled could be the best out there. The other big thing is some guys love sledding so much we need something to putz with in the summer! Summer Sucks! :4STroke:
I have to modify every sled I own,lol
Everyone always says to me why don't you just buy a bigger sled,and I say well I wiould still do the same thing to it,lol
I like to get the most out of every machine.Plus it's funner beating up on the bigger sleds.


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I owned everything from old orange Ariens and Skiroules to Phazer.My SRX I put pipes,clutching and even suspension and was happy for well over 5years without ever doing anything other than maintainence and occasional tuning(once or twice a year) still runs great and when I need a rush I ride it.Back when I owned the Ariens and Skiroules there wasnt much that a guy could get or afford.But I can remember doing lots of walking including a few times searching for rear shaft that shot out from under track!And replacing track cleats in the cold.Boy those days were great!Not.Fun appeal has GREATLY improved.
Yeah, them guys that just can't leave a great product alone. What's wrong with them? Must be a sickness of some sort. Ya know, pay 10 grand for a sled, then put another 10 grand into it. Just plain out sickens me. :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump:
