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Down about my sled....


TY 4 Stroke Guru
Feb 28, 2004
South Colorado
i was out riding yesterday in about 3ft of fluff, couldnt climb a simple hill which got me down for one, but then i got up a huge hill, dropped down behind this riding area. Dropping down i usually do and have no problem getting back. it came to where getting back required a mean sidehill for about 50 feet and then you were to safety. Well the M7, Mountain Cat 1m, XRS, 1000 Doo, and Turbo RX made it up no problem. It was tracked up, yes but my sleds are so heavy even the 2 best riders that i KNOW couldnt get them up. One of them being Boondock from this forum. It got down to where we spent so much time with these heavy things that it was "we get out with this shot or they stay here" and somehow Boondock (Kurtis) hit the path right and got out.

Why does the weight just kill me? ive taken off so much weight with the suspension and exhaust but yet its still too heavy tor even the best of the best to get up.

I really want to get an apex but i dont understand why the weight plagues everyone. What can i do or is an apex (feels lighter but not really) or M8,M10 my only choice?

Post some detailed pics of your sled. Weight isn't everything. With pics we can see how you are set up. My non turbo RX last season would kick most of the sleds you listed. Also the attack 20 is a total POS as far as tracks go.

If you get some pics up I'm sure lots of guys will chime in.


Do you have a rider forward kit on your sled? Once you install a rider forward kit it throws around with ease. I have now problem at all throwing my apex turbo around and following snaky lines left by lighter 2 smokes and im only 5,10. I say turbo it and rider forward and then you wont have a problem going any where.
im not doing rider foward because im not going to cut into the panel of my sled.

A turbo is power that is more than i need and added weight which i do not need.

I really want 170hp in this sled, or a Dragon, Apex, M8 or M10


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What is that an Expert X or Ekholm??? Either way you've got a ton of rake on that thing. To me it looks like it can't help but drive the nose down which will make it plow. Can you drop the A$$ end to make the sled more level?

You are really doing yourself a large disfavour by not doing the rider forward mod. Nobody who is looking for an RX1 Mtn wants the sled in stock form anymore anyways so for the price of tank cowl (dime a dozen used I sold mine for 20 bucks) I don't get it. Hands down its the single best mod you can do to an RX1. Thats why Yamaha did it on the Apex and its what makes an Apex not just an RX1 with fuel injection and a big track.

The suspension look like the major problem. Way too much pressure on the front of the sled. And the short steering post and in the stock position is the second major problem. The sled should have a setup that balance the weight of the front and the back.

Like RX1m5 said, if you can lower the weight of the sled to get a lower center of gravity would be a great improvement.
Thanks for the good words.

IMO it is hard to build confidence on a sled like a rx-1. This is his first sled and Shaun is not a big guy (150 or so) or his brother. It is a lot of sled for someone that size with not much experience. I am not much bigger but more aggressive and have the confidence to be aggressive.
I now think you shouldn't get boost and you should look into a different sled IE two stroke. A Dragon would be awesome for you!!! Light weight with plenty of power and a sled that is maneuverable and will help build confidence fast!! You both have the potential to be very good riders but it is hard to do on a RX as a newer rider. M-8 would be nice also but a M-10 might be a little to heavy and to much.

Can you lower the rear end on the Elkolm? I changed mine and it made a huge difference. I will say yours is easier to ride then Ryan's, but they both trench quite a bit. I am glad we got them out last night. I am a little worn out!! I am always down for a adventure though. I also got my track last night :) Just hope it holds together with the holes drilled. We will see.....
The suspension is an Ekholm. Thats how it is supposed to sit. They have around 22" of travel.

The rake isnt a big deal. It compresses when i get on the throttle and gets the skis up on top and/or out of the snow in certain situations.

Kurtis ive decided that i do have potential to be a much better rider but with this sled i just simply cant. it is so limited to what i can do. That hill where the 4 of us went to get to montezuma and ryan trenched, the RMK 900 i rode went up that hill with EASE and power to spare when i started ON the hill. That sled i did so much more on when i rode it because it could, and would. it was also very light ~500 dry with the weight taken off. I was going to trade him straight across for that RMK but he just sold it 2 weeks before we payed our sleds off.

These sleds just dont run like some people seem to say they do. Outclimbing 800's and 1000's just aint happening.
No i have not. Only RX's i ride with are on boost. Most recent is boondock and hes got the leaf blower and this nice white bottle under the hood with a button to make it go crazy
SoCoRX1 said:
The suspension is an Ekholm. Thats how it is supposed to sit. They have around 22" of travel.

The rake isnt a big deal. It compresses when i get on the throttle and gets the skis up on top and/or out of the snow in certain situations.

The rake is a problem. You say that it compresses but that is really only the case in firmer powder or on the trail. When you get in 3' of dry CO powder it will be fully extended, not compressed. Whats worse is that means the track will end up pointing up when your floorboards dig down towards horizontal. I think that is your main problem. The other problem could be gearing/clutching. Regarding the rider position, put a Powermadd Pivot adapter and riser on it for $80 and it WILL help.

All that being said, it is still heavier than other sleds and has advantages and disadavantages. If the advantages arn't outweighing the disadvantages for you, I would sell it and get a different sled.

Good luck.

The problem is the skid, that's all they do is trench. Like it was already said, its plowing. Dealer/myself both have the same CPR turbo kits, clutching, gearing, drivers, track are the same. Dealer has ekholm tunnel and skid, I have CBS tunnel and stock skid. The $2800 ekholm does no better ever, rides like crap on the trails to the hills, and it loves to trenchs big holes, breaks alot too.
After seeing the pics I have to agree with the others.......get rid of the skid. Also A20's are great in deep bottomless powder but suck for everything else. As for the rider forward, you don't know what you are missing!
As everyone here has said. Either fix the skid's set up or sell it and set up something else correctly. Both of your sleds need tuning of the suspension. Simply installing a suspension without setting it up properly will not make the sled work. And if Ryan hasn't change the rear bolt location, he will continue to have problems.
The tracks are POS's.
