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Engine going rich overnight.

With cloosed loop the afr is spot on 11.8.
Something is causing the over fueling from bottom to top. I cant make sense of it. Almost seems like a pinched fuel return line off the regulator. This machine has larger injectors I presume? I know that with stock injectors a pinched return line with 70+ lbs of fuel pressure doesn't affect idle which is beyond me. This one has me stumped.

Check for pinched return line, hi fuel pressure. Beyond that a map sensor swap, or something set wrong in app, but you said fuel still set at 100 so beyond that I'm at a loss as to why the sudden change overnight like that to go that rich suddenly. Could a injector have hung open perhaps? You would think it would start hard however if that was the case.
I would export your datalog to TD via email, then call TD, and explain your issues to Mike. He and Ben will look it over and point you in the right direction.
