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Even Yamaha was Stumped

Blue Me

TY 4 Stroke Junkie
Apr 24, 2003
Ann Arbor, MI.
Last year in about -25 degrees my sled just wouldn't move. It would idle high around 3000 RPm then when I hit the throttle it bogged down to around 2700 RPM and started spitting and backfiring. But when I turned it off and started it with the throttle on it was WFO or nothing at all. As soon as I let up it would go right back to the idle. And I know it was not the TORS. Cause they tried that first at the dealer and it still wouldn't correct. They finally replaced some coil and it worked again. But I still had a couple of times later in the season last year it would do it again but it would correct itself. Needless to say I was real cold that long 6 hour night near Chapleau heading for Iron Bridge. Anyone know anything?? :?:

Did you happen to check if you had water in the float bowls? Thats what I would check 2nd after the tors switch which I had ploblems with and un hooked.
No. I was riding the sled for about 20 minutes and it was pitch black in Canada. And how could it happen again sporadically?
Here's what happened to me

Here's something that happened to me that caused the same problem.I had my handlebars unbolted to take the gas tank cover off so I could remove the seat.I just left the handlbars hanging upside down resting on the steering column..I started it up and it ran like crap. spitiing ,back firing, same as you explained your problem.I moved the handlebars back where they belong right side up and it ran perfect..Could there be something in the handlebars that make it run like that? A safety feature so if your sled was upside down it would'nt over rev ans blow up?..Hmmmmm I wonder?
that happened to mine also I was riding with my dealer and we both thought it was the tors so we bypassed it but no fix. So he looked around and the throttle cable was all out of adjustment must of been loose from factory only 100 miles on it and must of vibrated out of adjustment must of messed with the tors somehow took him 15 sec to fix never happend again.
I had a similar thing happen to mine last year. It idled fine and even ran fine the first 30', but whenever I would lower the setting on the thumb warmers it would back fire and run like crap. Probalbly just pure coincidence but it happened three consecutive times. Finally I unpugged the thumb warmer so it wouldn't burn my thumb off and it ran great the rest of the day.
not tors

if you get a chance, run the sled in the dark and chack and see if there is an arc somewhere, you may have a bare wire. Another thing that may be doing it, is possible crap in your main pilot jets. Does it run any better with the choke on?> if it does, clean out the pilots and mains, I even installed an inline filter before the carbs just a couple inches after where the line comes out of the tank.
If it happens again to eliminate to tors, unplug both wires at the tors and plug the ends that come out of the harness together, you can ride with them that way but for safety do not leave them that way.
That is definately weird...I immediately thought TORS as well. Other than that sounds like you may have a gremlin somewhere. I would definately check all your wiring...check under the toolbox (the harness) as it can rub on the frame and easily cut/short out wires.

Funny you said you were in Chapleau...I have been riding those areas for years and it never ceases to amaze me the stuff I see happen out there! NOT the areas you would want to be stuck in that's for sure!
I had something similar happen to me while riding and it was really frustrating. It's happened a couple of time now but I know what it is now so I know what to look for.
I had been riding all day without a probem and on our way down off the hill, about 40 miles back in the mountains my machine just started popping and hickuping when the throttle was opened. It would idle fine, so I had to stop and check it out and try and figure it out or I'd never make it out. Well I never did find anything wrong so I got back on started it and it ran fine. Well a mile or two down the hill it happened again so again I stopped. This time I pulled the airbox off and there in the throat of my carbs were full of real fine white ice dust. Not snow, but ice dust that had been caused by high humidity in the air mixed with the high vaccume effect and suction of the carbs. So now every time I ride in high humidity days I can count on it happening a few times while riding. It sucks but what do ya do? Well good luck, hope this gives you something to look for.
