Extra load on stator


Aug 17, 2014
Reaction score
Yamaha Nytro
i have a question for you guys

I'm looking at putting in some waterproof led lighting on my sled, on a bench test 15ft of led lighting is pulling anywhere from 3-5 amps depending on the color.

I think i would only be using half of that amount IF that, so im looking at an extra load of 1-2 amps consistently depending on the color.

im not running any heated visor, i do however have some aftermarket hand warmers (just grips no yamaheaters) that are currently wired for approx 8 ohms on each grip, so if my math is right then 8ohms @ 12v is around 1.5amps PER grip, so 3amps.

theres 3 wires on each grip, if i wire the colors differently i get 8ohms of resistance on each grip so that would be drawing approx 3amps per grip.

add that all together im looking at 8 amps extra load over stock with the grips on the highest setting and the lights on, is that ok for an 06 nytro? i'm not familiar with the 4stroke power output systems, but reading about yamaheaters and the various boosters you can buy im thinking that 8 amps isnt that big of an up.

or am i just gonna end up burning out my grips if i run them like that?

My 2 cents are they design these to run with what they have on them. But Rock at Yamaheater knows the answer to this. Email him. As his Yamaheaters draw more amps. I don't know for sure myself but I shut down the Yamaheaters when I don't think I need them. I have a switch for this.
I think you mean you would have 4 ohms of resistance rewiring them. (With the 3 Amp draw)
And yes your stator will generally be ok with the load of the grips at that.
The lights could be a questionable load as they aren't really necessary and tend to push you closer to the edge.
However, you can lower the brightness & therefore the current draw and prob be ok.
Most helmets draw about an amp, so the heated helmet shields by themselves aren't that major a load.

Hope this helps! :Rockon:
