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First (and last?) trip with Attak - including pix!


Nov 27, 2005
I finally got a chance to take my Attak on some excellent trails this week. I went to Jackman, ME and left from there (trails all decent except in town) and headed north to Canada. As soon as I crossed the border, the trails were amazing. Mid-season and tons of snow. Deer in the trail was the only problem as there is too much fresh powder for them to handle yet.

Temps were not much over 10 degrees all day, so I was happy to find a Yammy dealer with the Mid-height lazer windshield right after lunch. Not great, but a big improvement over the stock one. He gave me $20 for the original one, but I probably would have left it there anyway.

Trails were excellent all day. Rode up to Montmagny (approx 200 miles) and parked for the night. As you all know, the sled has amazing power and I was quite pleased with the handling. The Pilot skis seem to have taken care of any darting. The only complaint I have is the G-bumps. Way too much bottoming. (I am in the second clip and would probably go with the heavier spring if I were planning to keep the sled.) I am 165 pounds, but probably 200-210 with gear, backrest, and luggage.

Yesterday, I rode back to Jackman on a different trail for some extra miles. The only notable item from yesterday is how much the mileage varies. I got about 16 mpg when I was nursing along at 60 or so, but when I tried to make time on some of the power lines after lunch, I burned through a tank in about 120 miles!

But all of that is not the reason for this long post. I am saddened to say that I am now in the market for a replacement sled. I had owned a Rev since 03 for pounding around in VT for day trips and still enjoy it. But I was always left with sore knees at the end of the day. This is not a conditioning thing, as I ride over 3,000 miles a year on my bikes on and off road. There is just something in my knee structure that causes pain after sitting in that position for more than an hour or so. I was hoping that the Attak would be far enough back when seated so that it wouldn't happen, but my knees are killing me today - and the trails were fantastic!

I am hoping that one of you knowledgable TY guys can recommend another Yamaha sled. I am considering either a 2005 RX-1 with Monoshock or a 2006 RS Rage. I hate to get rid of this sled, but unless I can find a way to move my feet forward 6 inches, I just can't ride it!

Thanks for listening and I guess I will be moving over to another group on this awesome site.


BTW - Just had to throw in that shot of the trail. For 40 miles, I was the first sled on a freshly groomed trail...


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How about moving the handle bars back! You could buy a different riser that adjusts backwords..

I know rich from rich motorsports has an awsome one on his attack! this would let you streatch out your knees!
An 05 RX-1 is an awsome riding sled. I prefer it to the feel of an Apex(in showroom). My knees also bother me on a rev.
I might add ,that if it ever snows here and stays...I look forward to trying an apex out. I hope it rides as good as many have said.
Thanks for all the posts.

That is a Doo rack with many hours of work to fit it on the Attak, including trimming the seat to eliminate the overhang, widening the brackets to accomodate the wider seat (18") and spreading the rack itself to fit. Not to mention adding additional braces to the rack so that it doesn't twist the mounting bracket on those aforementioned G bumps.

It is adjustable front and back and the best part is that there are no holes in the side of the tunnel. It mount under the seat so you are not left with any holes when it is removed. This also makes for a rack that will withstand a ton of pounding. Try that with saddlebags!

I crossed in Jackman, ME and picked up Rt 75 in Quebec. I then rode straight north on 75 until Trans Quebec RT 5 and then headed East to Montmagny. This entire area of Quebec has huge snow and is in great shape. Jackman is also very rideable except in the downtown area.

I don't think a higher seat will do the trick, but I would consider a riser. My concern is that when you draw the bars back to you. The steering will be swinging on an arc instead of pivoting on its center due to the steep angle of the steering post.

Does anyone know how high a riser you can use with the stock cables?




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Just my opinion but if I were in your situation I would opt for the Rage over the RX1 simply due to the handling.

I only rode my '05 Rage 1,039 miles due to business conflicts but 530 of those miles were done in 18 hours. When we rode the proto-types last February I still thought the Rage was the best "cruiser" sled of the bunch but it was overshadowed by the new Apex/Attak line.

While I dearly love my new GT for lots of reasons, I would still take the Rage for the distance riding that I don't seem to be able to do anymore.

Just my 2 cents.
