Give Away

pro116 said:
I have seen him in two pieces before.

Dave no problem on the sled.Im still wiping your drewel off of it. :moon:

Uhmmmm, that wasnt drewel! :jump:
LMAO!!!! TMI Dave!

Yes, I remember all the pieces..... LOL

I was on top of that jump when you crashed.
NOS-PRO said:
LMAO!!!! TMI Dave!

Yes, I remember all the pieces..... LOL

I was on top of that jump when you crashed.
Sno-Xr said:
Thanks guys...and you're right Guy(eagle1), atleast I came back in one piece, unlike other TY rides Ive been on, right Terry (NosPro) ?

I remember that day. I think it was Terry that waved me off from following you off the jump.
Had a great time. Super bowl party was great(not the game) pleanty of food and fun. Rides were great also. we'll have to put our thoughts togather over the summer break on the give away i'm sure we can improve some loop holes or flaws if you will. all i all was a great time had by all i think. My other 2 better halfs said they also enjoyed to sleding and fellow TYers. Great job MR SLED!!!!! :-o
It was a great weekend. The best weekend I had up there in a long time. Thanks Mr Sled for all your hard work planning everything out. Like gravedigger said we will have to put our thoughts together this summer to help make everything better. Johanna and I have a few ideas on how to help. It was great seeing a bunch of old friends and also great making new ones. I'm glad we stayed for the Superbowl party it was a blast. A great big thanks goes out to all the sponsors that donated for the giveaway could not of done it with out them. Last but not least. Glad I finally came home from a ride with my sled in the same condition I went to the ride in. Sorry to those who wound up with tore up sled but believe me I know what you are going through.

It was fun and too bad it went by so fast.. Thanks and I am so far behind with all the snow and riding that I need to get the pics and info posted from the Give Away, Monroe Cty and Gwinn.... UGH :(
MrSled said:
It was fun and too bad it went by so fast.. Thanks and I am so far behind with all the snow and riding that I need to get the pics and info posted from the Give Away, Monroe Cty and Gwinn.... UGH :(

What!?.......You don't have a hot assistant to do that kinda stuff for ya???? :rofl: :rofl:
Eagle1 said:
MrSled said:
It was fun and too bad it went by so fast.. Thanks and I am so far behind with all the snow and riding that I need to get the pics and info posted from the Give Away, Monroe Cty and Gwinn.... UGH :(

What!?.......You don't have a hot assistant to do that kinda stuff for ya???? :rofl: :rofl:

Actually I do but she is busy too...LOL
Tom, I could think of a real Good come-back to that one, but I better keep it to myself ;)!
Agman 57 said:
Tom, I could think of a real Good come-back to that one, but I better keep it to myself ;)!

Right on :Rockon: as long as its not too dirty it should pass the site rules... :Rockon:
NO Tom, that is all right, I will be quiet. Your too nice a guy to pick on here! It would be better in person anyway. On another note, have you got a guess on when you will have the Last of Season Ride in Munising? The way this winter is going, we will be able to have it in April instead of March!! ;)!
Agman 57 said:
NO Tom, that is all right, I will be quiet. Your too nice a guy to pick on here! It would be better in person anyway. On another note, have you got a guess on when you will have the Last of Season Ride in Munising? The way this winter is going, we will be able to have it in April instead of March!! ;)!

You can save it for me then :)

Still not sure... I am going to try and contact the Yamaha Demo Truck and see if we can work them in with us... hope to have a date after that.
;)! Sounds great Tom, was just wondering, trying to pencil in when we might go up again. Taking the wife and a friend of her's and some of our New York friends up on Saturday for a week.
