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GoPro video of Viper ride

lol I do make a trip to the ty fun ride and enjoy the heck out of the trails while I am there :D but usually I just jump onto the lake from my back yard and hit the groomed trail that goes across it ;)!. managed 2800km on the trails around here on the apex alone this winter. had roughly 800 km on 3 other sleds as well.

3600 Km at 50 and under is a good bit.

Were you at the 1st TY ride last year in Houghton/Hancock? If so we probably met in the lounge with Mrsled at night. My group was a bit more randy and broke off during the days to hit them hard.
no, I usually make the ty fun ride (ride before). and who said I "only" travel at 50kph ;). the way my schedule is currently working out, I only get to ride sundays and usually only between 1pm and dark unless I have a partner in crime witch is not as often as I like. 207 mile days are not unheard of but are rare.
lol well it is not work that is messing it up. it is a family obligation. if I could find the dang trail I would sled to work. I know it passes within 1/2 a mile of where I work. just need time to explore and find the sucker is all.
LOL no not one of those.
Oh and btw speed limit here is 50 kph witch is around 35 mph. Usually cruise around 50 mph where I can.
Oh and btw speed limit here is 50 kph witch is around 35 mph. Usually cruise around 50 mph where I can.

That reminds me of the spped limit out in Yellowstone - and the reason I will never ride there again -35 mph my #*$&@ and the US agents hide behind trees with a credit card machine. Got me 3 times in 1 day!!!!!!
Yamadog.......I agree with you on the speed limits....., but, you missed the whole Yellowstone trip then.
I did not miss anything west Yellowstone you have to take trails to get out to the mountain to ride
I did not miss anything west Yellowstone you have to take trails to get out to the mountain to ride

Come to Grand Mesa next time, no speed limits that I know of, and its a lot closer than Yellowstone. Kind of funny I was at Yellowstone on my Harley 6 days ago...lol.
I did not miss anything west Yellowstone you have to take trails to get out to the mountain to ride
OK, I got you.....I kind of assumed going through the park. I will not ever go through the park again, but I do recommend everyone do it.

Stingray, I went to Grand Mesa a few years ago on Thanksgiving. Had a blast. Long ways from Sioux Falls SD.
I think YamahaTim has been trying to get something lined up to come out there to you. I am dropping my sled off at Allen Ulmers on Thursday to get it dialed in for the season.
