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Great news for CDN sled owners.


TY 4 Stroke God
Mar 23, 2005
ONT. Canada
2008 40th Anniversary Vector.
1995 XLT SP (Son's)

That,s a start. Now when are we going to see the sled prices reduced by 20-25 % so they can compete price wise with the other brands. We all know they have them beat quality wise, but lower prices would help sled buyers stay with Yamaha. It is very obvious they haven,t layed out much cash for tooling changes, as the sleds have virtually been the same since the introduces the RX-1, way back when.
I did notice this a couple of weeks ago, but I feel that the prices should be dropped on ALL parts, not just "some" of the overpriced parts and accessories.
That,s a start. Now when are we going to see the sled prices reduced by 20-25 % so they can compete price wise with the other brands. We all know they have them beat quality wise, but lower prices would help sled buyers stay with Yamaha. It is very obvious they haven,t layed out much cash for tooling changes, as the sleds have virtually been the same since the introduces the RX-1, way back when.

X2, and better than the prices going the other way!

Your second point.
Pretty hard to have quality and cheap prices imo.
I know they are pricey and I am not defending the high prices, especially if your after parity, but premium sleds come with premium prices.
Irv said:
Your second point.
Pretty hard to have quality and cheap prices imo.
I know they are pricey and I am not defending the high prices, especially if your after parity, but premium sleds come with premium prices.

Your right Irv but as I can buy Yamaha parts in the US for almost half the price and I'm also pretty sure the Canadian parts are not double the quality it still leaves a bad taste!

Yamaha Canada has a long way to go! Nice to see them drop the price on selected over priced undersold items! Its a start!
Sasquatch said:
Irv said:
Your second point.
Pretty hard to have quality and cheap prices imo.
I know they are pricey and I am not defending the high prices, especially if your after parity, but premium sleds come with premium prices.

Your right Irv but as I can buy Yamaha parts in the US for almost half the price and I'm also pretty sure the Canadian parts are not double the quality it still leaves a bad taste!

Yamaha Canada has a long way to go! Nice to see them drop the price on selected over priced undersold items! Its a start!

I agree there, that is for sure but are Yamaha's not the most expensive state side too compared to the other 3? :dunno:
(That was the point I was trying to get across, Yamaha sleds will always be more expensive as they are a premium sled imo)
Still a long way to go ... bought some outboard parts from US a month ago and they were between 50% to 65% less that the SAME part purchased in Canada (including duty, shipping + exchange rate) .... a digital tach was $650 + in Canada but only $350 ... parts in Canada would have been $5000 US plus but was only $2500 from the US.
couch said:
Still a long way to go ... bought some outboard parts from US a month ago and they were between 50% to 65% less that the SAME part purchased in Canada (including duty, shipping + exchange rate) .... a digital tach was $650 + in Canada but only $350 ... parts in Canada would have been $5000 US plus but was only $2500 from the US.

I agree with you Couch and Sasquatch but what I was referring too is what #1Apexrider was talking about above, and that's "When are we going to see sleds come down 20-25%.

His post, and mine had nothing to do with parts and accessories, just the sleds themselves and that is what I am trying to say, for a premium sled you're going to pay a premium price, end of story, you can't have both.
Hey Irv,
How come they can have both in the USA ??
Or do you think the Yamaha parts they ship to the USA are different quality than what we buy in Canada. Without a doubt, we are getting hosed, bigtime. It,s great to be able to shop and compare prices on the net. LOL
Hey Irv,
How come they can have both in the USA ??
Or do you think the Yamaha parts they ship to the USA are different quality than what we buy in Canada. Without a doubt, we are getting hosed, bigtime. It,s great to be able to shop and compare prices on the net. LOL

I guess I am having trouble putting into words what I am trying to get across??

I am not disagreeing that we get hosed up here in Canada with prices compared to our American counterparts, we certainly do, no doubt about it!!!

What I am saying, with reference to your original post, is that Yamaha snowmobiles will always be pricier than the other 3 if they maintain the quality, features, technology that they provide in their sleds.
(EPS, EXUP, bullet proof engine etc etc)

In your original post it sounded like you were after parity (price wise on new sleds) with the other 3 and all I was saying is that it is not possible as Yamaha sleds are premium sleds and therefore will always command a premium price.

I agree, the prices up here, compared with American prices are a joke!

There is no way the gap/difference when it comes to the price of new sleds or parts etc should be as wide as it is, I agree, it is a joke and we are definitely being gouged to say the least!
But, like why I posted this thread in the first place, it is slowly starting to change and our price gaps are finally closing up a bit, (which imo is long overdue but at least they are trying!)

Also, unfortunately for Yamaha, they can't compete on a equal playing field, especially when they have to deal with tarffs and trade agreements etc!
The other 3 clearly have an advantage there and that is also another reason why their prices are cheaper than Yamaha's.

Also this applies when comparing CDN and American prices, different trade agreements/tariffs, tx's etc between the 2 countries mean different prices, which Yamaha can do nothing about but add them to the price of their CDN products in order to recoup their costs.

Googled this one, and there's lots in there!
http://www.moneyville.ca/article/926094 ... gs-cheaper
Irv said:
What I am saying, with reference to your original post, is that Yamaha snowmobiles will always be pricier than the other 3 if they maintain the quality, features, technology that they provide in their sleds.
(EPS, EXUP, bullet proof engine etc etc)

I like my four stoke and I went with a Yami because of it! Yamaha quality is questionable! So many issues! I've rode Cat and Doo. Other then the two stroke motors I had no more trouble with them then my Yami!

My 2000 Cat's had zero issues with the suspension front and rear. Zero slide wear issues. Zero seat melting issues. Zero overheat issues. Zero hand warmer issues. My Yami had all these issues.

My 1000 Pantera (Cat) did however drop a rod because of a con rod bearing going south. Fixed no cost to me. I saw way to many two strokes come apart to early for my liking. Saw many of them stay together for 10,000 to 15,000 miles.

Bottom line if it would have been a simple easy swap I would have put the Yami four stroke in my Pantera and had in my humble opinion the best sled on the snow. Instead I went with a ZX2, an Excell exaust, an Apex seat, an Apex rad and the largest windshield I could find to deflect the wind from my hands.

Like I said Yamaha quality is questionable. Motors are superb! The rest is a crap shoot leaving lots of room for the other three to make inroads! The 1200 Doo comes to mind.
Hey Irv,
How come they can have both in the USA ??
Or do you think the Yamaha parts they ship to the USA are different quality than what we buy in Canada. Without a doubt, we are getting hosed, bigtime. It,s great to be able to shop and compare prices on the net. LOL

Which is why they are dropping prices they have to because of the net. Shipping, duty and taxes added and its still cheaper, so in my opinion they have no choice but to drop the price.
Sasquatch said:
Irv said:
Like I said Yamaha quality is questionable. Motors are superb! The rest is a crap shoot leaving lots of room for the other three to make inroads! The 1200 Doo comes to mind.

Well said.

Rode with a pair of 1200 Doo's last year, and for the first time thought....maybe.

Going through sliders, overheating on '06 in marginal snow (lack of rear heat exchange), etc.
I bought a front end ball joint and retaining clip last week from the Yamaha dealer for the Nytro. It came out to be $108 dollars. I guess I was lucky to get this great discount!
