Hard starting

No codes, I thought maybe it had to do with a break-in safety net or something. I'm stopping by the dealer tomorrow to have them check the insanely-soft rear skid so ill ask them about the engine too. Man I've only put 1 mile on the sled and already multiple issues.

I see you're in MN, what dealer do you use?
I bought it from Larsons Cycle in Cambridge, so I'm just swinging by there since I drive right by it on my way up north

Copy, I'm not familiar with them but keep us posted. Warranty should fix it but I'd be happy to meet up to look it over and go for a ride if it comes to it.
Is it on and off the trailer and then shutting it off before running up to temp and more riding?

I'm guessing you are starting and stopping it a lot because you loaded and unloaded from the dealer. They will foul the plugs and not start like this when doing so. You may need to change the plugs if it doesn't come out of it.

You always need to bring them up to temp and SHOULD actually ride them or rev them on a stand at least. The added fuel they get in cold start is an issue. Sounds crazy but thats what happens.

Get out and run it hard and it will seat the rings and come out of it. If it doesn't, the plugs will need changed.
EXACTLY!! Always bring up to 170,s for temp when starting the winders. ALWAYS. ITS not hard just bring it up to temp. Take it for a short spin. Let it idle up into 170’s.
Well not just the water temp up, but It also takes even longer to get the oil temp up as well. I always take it easy till all parts are up to operating temperature. The let er rip.
Don’t want to foul the dual strap plugs! Been running them for 500 miles. -11 and -16 starts up in the UP. All good on those, no fouling. ;)!
Called the dealer and they said its likely a voltage issue, possibly a weak battery, but I'll be stopping by there in a couple hours so we'll see for sure
Took the sled in, they said that the throttle cable needed to be adjusted because it was interfering with some sensor. So now I'm up north, take the sled out, and same thing, with a code "sd_84". Seriously frustrating
Took the sled in, they said that the throttle cable needed to be adjusted because it was interfering with some sensor. So now I'm up north, take the sled out, and same thing, with a code "sd_84". Seriously frustrating
F#$%ing dealers!
Unfortunately, in our current world, you need to trouble shoot and repair things yourself. It is a sad state of reality. Whether its a sled , boat, Truck or whatever if we don't fix it ourselves it is never right.
That's where our SW forum really helps.
Anything I have purchased in the last 30 years has never been back to the dealer...warranty or not.
Part of the PDI is raising the handlebars and properly fastening wires etc. Make sure they didn't improperly fasten the throttle cable with a zip tie which can cause sd 84 to activate. When you turn the bars does lever freeplay remain consistent?
Part of the PDI is raising the handlebars and properly fastening wires etc. Make sure they didn't improperly fasten the throttle cable with a zip tie which can cause sd 84 to activate. When you turn the bars does lever freeplay remain consistent?
Yes, it was zip tied, so I cut the zip tie to make sure full movement of cable was possible and still the same issue.
Thanks! That's interesting, the dealer told me to break it in very slowly and easily hahaha.

Side note; the replies from you guys on these threads are pretty helpful, polite, and professional, I love it!
Do not break it in easy! It will be slow if you do just like Knapp said.
Did you put gas in it? My Tcat started once and stalled, acted like it was flooded. I pulled a plug and it was dry as a bone and it had spark, gas gauge said 1/4 tank. I put a gallon of gas in it and it fired right up. the dry float level must have been stuck. Dealer said that they only put enough gas in them to start and idle for 15 min.
Cheap Bastard. Dealership I mean!
I had SD84. With the new ROV vent line going to air box it gets very tight around the throttle bodies, throttle cable and I had to do some rerouting of lines in that area
Well not just the water temp up, but It also takes even longer to get the oil temp up as well. I always take it easy till all parts are up to operating temperature. The let er rip.
From having a my IR belt temp gage, it also takes about 10-15 minutes of easy riding to get belt warmed up to operating temp. Longer than allot of guys think. I think the belt has a better chance of survival on tuned 998s if we get it warmed up before putting the flipper to the gripper.
