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Help!!!! Keep Viper or buy Sidewinder for awesome price

Jul 8, 2014
2015 Sr Viper RTX LE
I had a 2016 Viper RTX Le I love this sidewinder but I figured I would wait before I bought one plus my girlfriend said I just bought one last year why do I need another one plus with last year's winter it does not strengthen my case but naturally my friend ordered the same exact one I want LTX Le in blue and white and naturally he put $1,000 down on it but has to back out he is nice enough to tell me that if I take it don't worry about $1,000 because if I don't take it the dealer is going to take the thousand and he rather me have it so that means I'm getting an LTX Le for 14,400 out the door because he got qouted 15,400 OTD my question to you guys is worth selling my Viper that I only have several hundred miles on and hopefully I don't get taken to the cleaners because of last year's went through and pull the trigger and get this Sidewinder or do I stay with my viper that I have? I ride Upstate New York Tug Hill area lots of rough trails not much off Trail and the reason why I want the LTX Le for the extra track length and they will also help in the bumps

If you gotta have the latest and greatest go for it, me personally I'd wait till the hype is over and the viper regains some of its value.
get the sled ,get rid of the girl friend .she's not your mom .if you ride the hill with a 4 stk. ride during the week .
My father just sold his 16 viper with 80 miles for $9500 to buy the sidewinder he got a good deal on his viper last year too and didn't lose much money on it
hard choice. I guess you would have to look at a cpl things.
1: How much you paid for your viper and what you think you can get for it now.
2: Do you need the power of the winder.

Really, if possible I would dump the viper and get the winder. Also if your viper is the 16 with the new motor you may have less people interested in it (at least if they have heard about the rods and not being able to turbo it). What the vipers are worth now is not so good. I can only predict the value to go even lower if the winder is a true hit this season. I would expect there to be even more left over vipers sitting at dealers with everyone wanting to buy a winder. In the end it would probably cost someone the same for a new left over for what you would want next year for your viper. So the sooner you dump it the better I think.

The winder your friend wants to get out of, what's it coming with? That price may be a lil high depending on what the deal was..(not for you at 14,400, but maybe at 15,400) Do you get the $600 accessories credit? Is the warranty extended the extra 2 years making it 5 years? Is the 14,400 with tax included? Oh and why did he put down 1k? You only needed $500. You would think the dealer would at least give him the extra $500 back. Also did you ask the dealer what they would give you on a trade?
Dump the girlfriend anyways she sounds like she's holding u back!
Get the sidewinder !
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