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Here's my '03 RX-1mtn LE Updated

Looks good. I'll have my SC out this weekend. A couple questions... Why didn't they want you to run the red springs? I'm running the silver at 0-3000 feet. How much boost are you running? Any problems with flooding when you let off the throttle?

Jon, might as well spend it while your'e still young enough to enjoy it is what I say. :drink:

Monker, the only reason I can think of on MPI's recomendation against other than stock springs is the lean condition down low. I'm guessing the softer spring allows the slides to open more at idle and with the blower making slight boost at idle you go lean. We'll see once the stock springs they are sending me arrive.

Right now I'm running in the low boost pulley configuration on 91 Prem with 1 gal 100 LL added for safety.

I don't have a problem with flooding when letting off. It seems MPI's fix might have taken care of that. I have heard of earlier kits experience throttle chop issues similar to the turbos but, when I let off the A/F drops to 11s and then goes back up to mid 12s. With no choke and the red springs my idle A/F was 17s and up. On a cold motor I saw as high as 19s if I let the choke off. The 12.44 in the picture as you can see was on a 143.6 deg F engine temp. What you don't see is, that is with the choke at 1/4 on. If the stock springs change the low end A/F ratio I'll let you know via PM. If they don't, I'll be going in on the air screws.

MPI's instructions state you should see rich at idle (11s) and mid 12's are the target for mid and WFO throttle positions but, anything between 12 to 14s is accepatable with 14.7 being a perfect stoichiometric A/F.

I PM'd Allen Ulmer (Srxspec) asking about his RX-1 setup and, he said he doesn't like anything more than 12.9 at WFO and maybe a little leaner in the middle. This is where I'm going to shoot for.

I just happen to have a spare ekholm skid here...............you arent far froom Cook are you, would give me an excuse to come out that way this winter.
Jim, that 14.7 is too lean and was to be changed in the MPI instructions to 12.9, but evidently that hasn't been updated. I spoke with Mac at length about that last spring and he said he would change it. Heck I even got a phone call and a fax from their call girl after Mac and I had talked stating that they were going to change their recommend A/F ratio.
Some reading for inquisitive minds!

Lambda, or Air-Fuel Ratio, is a derived indicator of mixture. A lambda of 1.0 is equivalent to an air-fuel ratio of 14.7:1, that which is called stoichiometric, where optimum combustion, and minimum emissions, occur. However, this figure does not produce ideal acceleration. A richer mixture is required for acceleration. A Lambda of 0.85 is an Air-Fuel ratio of 12.5.

OK guys here is my setup on the carbs; stock carb springs, 127.5 mains 25 pilots, screws are 2 3/4 turns out. I ride from 6500' and up. At idle I'm still on the lean side (mid 13s), my midrange is high 12s to low thirteens and at WFO I am seeing 12.1-12.6 on the A/F meter (sometimes if I hammer it it will drop to 11s). I just got done switching the pullies for max boost and added some 110 race fuel (bye bye O2 sensor). I won't get to ride it again until New Years weekend though #$%&* . Now that the tuning is done I hope to see as much reliability as when stock under the hood. ;)!

Monker, I didn't see a difference between the Holtzman red springs or the stock ones. I left the stock ones in it after the switch.

Allen, thanks for the help via the PMs and for the link to the A/F 101 ;)! .

i think that you should get a new paint job the silver doesnt match anything that well but otherwise the sled looks great and i bet it handles very nice good luck
Here's the latest picture. Just switched from Simmons Flex-Skis to PPD
X-MT skis.



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tundra said:
i want you to do my Wire job man :Rockon: i was way to lazy to do a clean job like this. :ORC

I pay you the Plane ticket :-o

LOL; If you aren't joking, it might be cheaper for you to ship me your bars with all the controls still attached. I could lenghten the wires and wrap them with the wire loom. Then you just re-install them once you got them back.

As of right now it would cost a plane ticket for me plus $200 to the Consolate's office due to my DUI way back in 1992. It's wierd how Canada considers a DUI a felony but a DWI is a misdmeanor. In the US they are the same; it just depends on how the sate words it (DUI = Driving Under the Influence and DWI = Driving While Intoxicated).

