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Hi all! Just bought a used Phazer!


Feb 15, 2015
08 phaser mtx
Soooo I just bought a 2008 Phazer with 527 Kms on it. I just bought my kid an MXZ and wanted something economical to go ride with him, my 700 sucks fuel. dealer had a trade with super low kms, so I tested it out. (Got some jam). Bought it, trucked it back 300k and it barely wanted to start on arrival home. Took it for a short 20 minute zip, park it and next day nothing. Fuel pump works on key, no turnover of starter at all.

Battery is on tender all night, research on here shows possible relay issues or starter bolts loosened.

Any thoughts. I still have to try the battery. It's been cold lately, I'm was initially betting on the battery, after researching on here I'm leaning towards wet frozen relay.

Any thoughts? This forum is great by the way!

Thanks in advance for comments!



Awesome purchase. You'll love it.
Me, I'd be calling the dealer!! Put the updated relay in it anyway. Won't fail on you again :)
300k is a long trip but hopefully they'll fix ya up!!
Thanks for the reply ATV PRO. Your 07 how was it for cold starts? Like -25c I'm thinking it's gonna need to sit in my garage. I bought it to ride with my kid whose 12, I plan on handing his to his brother in a year or 2 and he get the Phazer. Did you change th relay out in your 07?

How about batteries? Dealer shipped the sled back to himself and says battery to me. I'm thinking heated truck for 3 hours and it starts right away.

Warm on Sunday maybe a ride if it gets back before then.

Yep, she sits outside now and the new one has the spot in the mancave. Starts every time outside. I do however have a block heater in there. -25 or more she used to get plugged in for 20mins before riding. Of coarse, I sold it, and it wouldn't start. BUT, it was in minus 40's that day. Block heater, 20 mins and she was going.
Fuel relay us an updated red one. Under the battery is a relay with 3 red wires. That's the fuel relay one you want to change out.
Cold start, for the 07 was an updated ecu. Solved the cold start issue. Old part number is 8GC-00. New updated one is 8GC-10.
Again, big black box below battery. Relays are behind that ecu.
The one in my new 14 is 8GP-40. Unsure is that's the 4th update or not, may be worth an ask at the dealer. Pop side cover and you see in 30seconds what you have.
I'll check relay number once back in the house if YA like.
Thanks! I will have to look into a block heater and the ECU upgrade. Dealer says it was a battery issue. The changed out the relay just incase. I had the battery fully charged after overnighting it on the charger. It had lots of juice, ran the fuel pump easy, but would not turn it over.

They hauled it back by truck, boosted it and it started right away. I think it was a heated truck so the relay thawed and it started.

Oh well, live and learn. Sounds like the block heater and ECU upgrade are needed. Any other required changes I should make?

Really appreciate the replies as well!

Got a aaen pipe for sale when your ready $200 plus ride to your door
Make sure the battery is good or use another good battery. It could be the starter relay (aka: solenoid). It is directly in front and below the fuse box and has the red wire from the battery attached to it. Try shorting between the two posts and see of the starter works. If it does, it's that relay that's defective. If not, then the starter would be suspect and could very well be the starter bolts issue. Could be fixed if not damaged. Just re-align the green line with the two marks on the starter ends and re-torque the bolts with some red Loctite.
Thanks moose! Rob the Canadian dollar is so low now it's painful. I've been trying to buy a reasonable priced motorcycle dolly, but no one will ship up here.
2010 RTX, original battery, always started in any temp. This season had to charge the battery from sitting for a year and has started every time since.

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