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High revving '05 Warrior


Sep 20, 2011
Northern Wisconsin
Hey guys! New to the forum so please help a newbie out. My GF bought an '05 RX Warrior this April. Got a great deal, the sled only has 1800 miles on it. The negative of course is that we didn't get to test ride it.

Checked it over and ran it before we purchased and everything worked great. Over the next few months I ran it every couple weeks for a few minutes just to keep fluids running through.

Last week I went to start it and battery was dead. No big deal since I hadn't run it for over a month and it was barely run since winter of '09. I trickled charged it for two days and it fired right up. That is the good. The bad is that after running for a few minutes it revved up (over 7k) and just about took out the garage door. (I know, I should have had it on stand).

Now every time I start it up it revs up to around 5 or 6k, which of course is engaging clutch, but then backs down to normal idle after about three seconds and runs great. The problem is that in that two or three seconds a lot of bad things could happen if the brake isn't held.

Any ideas as to what could be causing this? Is this hard on the engine or clutch?

Thanks for any input.

hmm... never heard of this one before. tors is hooked up? from the sounds of it it is bypassed because it should cut out before clutch engagement not letting the seld move at all. i would also check the throttle to see if it is stiff or binding anyplace.
check your clutch & secondary make sure they are not pulled in at all , clean carbs i do mine every year just to make sure they are clean , adjust throttle to specs. (secondary should be in clutch should be out)
Thanks for the input. I took the easy route and tried some sea foam in the tank. Seems to be running better. Still revs a little high(4500) at start up but only for about a second. I'm hoping that it is just an issue with the sled not being run hardly at all since winter of '09. Am planning on cleaning it all out before the snow flies but hopefully it's not a big deal. Almost seems like it's more of a choke issue than a throttle issue but will find out soon enough. Thanks again everybody.
I would still clean the carbs, adjust linkages and such, AS it gets colder it will run leaner, Simple maintaince can save you from expensive fixes.
