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Honest top speed for Apex........

F7 Racer

Feb 3, 2010
Looking to move to an Apex.........Do alot of very fast trail riding and river running. What I am looking for is honest top end speeds on ice and hard pack.

Thanks !!!

yamahahaha said:
ltx is 105mph everyday, maybe 108 max, short track is 108 everyday, 113 max. that would b on radar.

Sounds about right...add a bit of snow and it slows down on top. I've hit 115MPH this year with mine with 10000miles on it. Pinned down a long icy road.
I come from an F-6 that ran 110-111(GPS) out of the box completely stock on ice........I also ride with a couple F7's. Those ran 115-117(GPS) out of the box on a mile long ice run, perfect conditions. Dont want to spend a bunch of cash and not be able to run with them.........
You are going to get a ton of answers here but here goes....

On an icy road with minimal loose snow with 144 studs, geared down 1 tooth in the chaincase and stock otherwise, I have hit 114 on GPS which was 130 mph on the pathetic Yamaha speedometer. I have also hit 132 on the speedo which might be good for 115 mph? I didnt have my GPS to back-up the run.

I added a Power Commander since then, but havent really tested it for top end. It did help in the midrange. At least by the tach.

Not many sleds will run with an Apex on top end on an icy road. If you add snow or on hardpack such as a trail or lake with normal snow pack, I agree with the other posters. 105 actual mph.

Hope this helps.
I got a little over 119gps on a long run on ice with my mods below except I was running a 24 top gear and my track had only 96 studs in the inside belt. 23 top gear is faster on hard pack and snow however.
Last year I rode with a few of my buddies both on f7 snopro w/144 woddys. I have an 06 ER 121 with 192 woodies and a mod airbox.

Packed trails = waiting a while to see them in my mirror (possibly I'm a better rider but sure made me feel good b/c b4 they said "that thing cant do as good as the f7 on the trails because it SOOO HEAVVVYY")

Hard packed lake = they got a slight jump off the start then they stayed with me until 113 (their speedo) then I pulled away I estimate I had another 4-5mph on top

Rolling start at 65mph all apex all day

Mind you the only arctic cat sled that can beat those f7 is the z1turbo. f8 cant hold up and even an f7 with an 800 conversion kit cant

whatever arctic cat did with the f7 they did it right, its the fastest 700 but....


P.S. try getting 20k + miles out of an f7
I cant reply on glare ice,but on hardpack my 07 rtx will see anywhere from 115 to 122 on dream meter. No gps but would guess im around 105 to 110 on gun. I came off an 04 f7, and to be honest in most conditions i think the F7 would take my apex. This apex is effected by snow conditions on top end more than any sled I've owned. It takes absulutely perfect conditions(rock hard snow)to achieve fastest speeds.Its rare to find these conditions where i ride. To sum it up, i would race any sled on perfect conditions , and would put my money on the apex, any other surfaces and i would bet against it.
I have 23/38 gearing and a mod airbox that must make a difference b/c I see 127-130 (dreamometer) on hardpack all day
F7 Racer said:
I come from an F-6 that ran 110-111(GPS) out of the box completely stock on ice........I also ride with a couple F7's. Those ran 115-117(GPS) out of the box on a mile long ice run, perfect conditions. Dont want to spend a bunch of cash and not be able to run with them.........
Now that is some funny s**t. Im thinking if you had a 1000 it would run 130-140. Im thinking you should stick to cats to get that kind of speeds. ps I have a CF7 and a Attak ~ I cant come close to those F6 speeds ... :drink:
bottlerocket said:
F7 Racer said:
I come from an F-6 that ran 110-111(GPS) out of the box completely stock on ice........I also ride with a couple F7's. Those ran 115-117(GPS) out of the box on a mile long ice run, perfect conditions. Dont want to spend a bunch of cash and not be able to run with them.........
Now that is some funny s**t. Im thinking if you had a 1000 it would run 130-140. Im thinking you should stick to cats to get that kind of speeds. ps I have a CF7 and a Attak ~ I cant come close to those F6 speeds ... :drink:
I agree with most of the poster above. Surface conditions can easily cause 15 mph +/- differences. Highest speed I ever recorded was 121 mph on a lake with very little snow on top. In reality, that was probably 108-110 mph. My sled is completely stock with 7,000+ miles.

The F7 is an amazingly fast sled. I dont know how AC/Suzuki got so much power from a 700cc engine to the snow. An F7 once beat my old RX-1 so bad I would need another mile to catch him on top end. Either that or keep nipping at his heels until he blows a piston to the stratosphere...then pass him. LOL
108 GPS Medium pack snow. 2000 feet. Box stock 06 Apex GT.
114 Hardpack
98 Soft snow.

Never done long ice run. Most who have say 117 to 121.

About the same maybe a little better than a F 7.

Substantially faster than a 800 Rev similar to a XP 800.
