Hot starting troubles

After finally getting out for a day trip today it seems the starter replacement and plugs haven't solved the issue. I was always able to get sled to start today but after taking several attempts most times. I'm still having a "stumble" initially when key is turned, if this happens it won't start. I keep trying until there is no "stumble " and it will fire...By "stumble" I mean it's like it's trying to fire on the first crank and doesn't. A good start would be 3 or 4 cranks then fires..any ideas are welcome.
After finally getting out for a day trip today it seems the starter replacement and plugs haven't solved the issue. I was always able to get sled to start today but after taking several attempts most times. I'm still having a "stumble" initially when key is turned, if this happens it won't start. I keep trying until there is no "stumble " and it will fire...By "stumble" I mean it's like it's trying to fire on the first crank and doesn't. A good start would be 3 or 4 cranks then fires..any ideas are welcome.
My 2020 Viper does exactly the same thing. I find that when it does that it will start better on the second attempt if I turn the key to the off position and then start over. It will usually start at that point.
Since the starter replacement it no longer struggles to roll over but it still doesn't start like it should. I had it flashed with the newest update a couple years ago and since then it's done the crank but no start thing on first attempts. When it won't fire on a first attempt I cycle the key so the pump runs again and it almost always fires on the second attempt. I've now been cycling the key so that the pump runs twice before attempting to start it and that seems to help. I should have stuck with the original programing I had back in 2015.
Mine does the exact same thing and has since I bought it. I have not had any issues with cold starts just during the day after it has been running. If you just give it a little throttle it starts every time. I kind of thought this was a problem for everyone but sounds like not all. I am on the most recent flash, change my plugs every year etc. and it doesn't make a difference. I am actually still on my YES so I might take it in this spring to see if I can get them to fix it.
