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8 to 10 years Sounds good, I used to trade my Two strokes every 2 to three years or at least buy a new sled and make the old one the spare. So 8 to 10 sounds good I rode the Warrior for 8 years, 18,000 miles and bought an 2011 Apex in 2013. So in 2021 I'll be 65 might have a senior moment and buy a new sled.
I think they build those skidoo so
You have to buy 1 every couple of
Years. That's how come they can keep
Selling so many.
I think they build those skidoo so
You have to buy 1 every couple of
Years. That's how come they can keep
Selling so many.

you sir, have hit the nail on the head!!

I'm keeping my 06 for a least another winter!!!
I may just trade mine in on a 2015 XTX seeing as they have eliminated the tipped up rails but then i will have to remove and reinstall all my mods so maybe not lol.
where did you get the Yamacharger installed , and the NOS ?

I installed it all myself.
I've had the Holtzman nitrous 90hp shot for 8 FULL seasons, and the Yamcharger for 5 FULL seasons now!!
Changed the nitrous to only 45hp shot when I installed the Yamcharger, by only using one nozzle.
I installed it all myself.
U DA MAN !!!!
I am getting a little gunshy of DIY projects , as I don't seam to be as capable as I used to be , or the DIY's are getting a little more complicated .
Where did you mount the bottle for the NOS ?
Where did you buy the 2 kits ?
Which clutch kit did you go with ?
If I was to buy and have them install a set up like you have , who would you recommend ?

Thanks for your feedback .
Where do you ride ?
And most important , Are you still riding this weekend ?
U DA MAN !!!!
I am getting a little gunshy of DIY projects , as I don't seam to be as capable as I used to be , or the DIY's are getting a little more complicated .
Where did you mount the bottle for the NOS ?
Where did you buy the 2 kits ?
Which clutch kit did you go with ?
If I was to buy and have them install a set up like you have , who would you recommend ?

Thanks for your feedback .
Where do you ride ?
And most important , Are you still riding this weekend ?
without hijacking this thread...you can look for my big thread in the nitrous forum here and for the Yamcharger there's a pinned post on HCS yamaha apex page.
Here's food for thought, when a part breaks or needs be replaced don't you find a better part for it than what was on there. Plus it be cheaper to keep him my sled is a guy it has balls. The work I do to my sled makes it more trust worthy. It would take me along time to spend on my sled considering what a new one costs. It's more fun to upgrade than to buy a new one. I get giddy when I want to see how sled acts with new parts and depending on the upgrade the bigger the smile :-)
8 to 10 years Sounds good, I used to trade my Two strokes every 2 to three years or at least buy a new sled and make the old one the spare. So 8 to 10 sounds good I rode the Warrior for 8 years, 18,000 miles and bought an 2011 Apex in 2013. So in 2021 I'll be 65 might have a senior moment and buy a new sled.

I'm 66 and having that moment. Stopped by a dealer today...sat on a 2015 Apex XTX...nice...so hard to get out that place...comfortable like you said..a little higher but nice... trouble is I can't afford it being a senior...they want $12,500
8 to 10 years Sounds good, I used to trade my Two strokes every 2 to three years or at least buy a new sled and make the old one the spare. So 8 to 10 sounds good I rode the Warrior for 8 years, 18,000 miles and bought an 2011 Apex in 2013. So in 2021 I'll be 65 might have a senior moment and buy a new sled.

I remember when I actually felt the need to keep a spare sled! I take great pride in the fact that I don't have to have a "spare sled" anymore.
QUOTE="04JRB, post: 1226791, member: 12629"]I remember when I actually felt the need to keep a spare sled! I take great pride in the fact that I don't have to have a "spare sled" anymore.[/QUOTE]
I like knowing this sled has no shelf like a 2 stroke has
I have kids that come home in the winter and want to go riding. I have two spare sleds!

That would be a great reason! My children are still too young, but Im sure that day will come sooner than I think. A couple 2 strokes (older models) may be in order. God knows I have wrenched on 2 stroke Suzuki engines a bunch to keep my old t-cats on the trail, im sure working on them is like riding a bike lol.

I do cringe when I think about working on those old 900 triple/triple Suzuki's, not that it was all that difficult but more that it was too often!
