How many miles on your Apex?


Just topped 5000 miles on 06 Apex GT
All the usual apex repairs, rear skid swing-arm beef-up kit at 3500 miles, oversize boogie wheels to greatly reduce hyfax wear at 2500 miles, exhaust donuts at 4200 miles, Ohlins electric shock revalving at 1500 miles, Ohlins electric wire breakage at 5000 miles, hand warmer upgraded wiring to 2007 specs using 2006 handle bars, yamaheater kit for those extreme cold days, added rear heat exchanger and waterwetter to coolant...other than problems...LOL
I sold apex with about 6,800 miles on it. Mostly the normal stuff already listed above (donuts, wheels etc.) Great sled...
I put 1,100 miles at the start of the season before Christmas on my 09 Nytro XTX for a grand total of 10,100 and sold it because my Christmas presant was an 11 Apex XTX. I put 3924 on the Apex XTX for a grand total of 5,024 for the year. Only repair out of the ordinary was having to replace the drive shaft after it broke with 8,600 miles on the Nytro XTX, all other things were the normal things mentioned, wheels, handwarmers, donuts, and Y pipes.
So true for the Ski Doo grenades
Have run 3 of my friends sleds right to the ground.
Reliability, there is no doubt with the Yammie.

Ski Doo most times Ski Don't
gun nut said:
15,000 miles on 06. Just donuts, and pipes.

Love it...I've got 8k miles now. Only ypipes and a few wheels.
06 RTX

Going on 11,000 miles with no major repairs and running strong. Stainless Y-pipes with original driveshaft and jackshaft bearing(repack yearly). 4000 miles on hyfax with PP offset and still looking good. Other than buttons the clutches are untouched. Rear heat exchanger, updated radiator and Ulmer bushings in the front. Lots of lube and good storage
Hey biscuit, are you talking about the pioneer performance wheel offsets? I was going to go with them this year would love your opinion on them!!!!!
2007 Apex with just over 10,000 miles (17,000k), y pipes & donuts, couple of idler wheels, installed a cobra track at 8,000 miles, still runs like a champ.

2011 Apex with 5300k so far this year, pulls like a mother, like it a lot, nothing better for high speed trail cruisen.

Did you install a 1.25 cobra track? Any difference in top speed? Unbelievable,sounds like if they had good exhaust donuts and stainless y-pipes in 06 there would have been no major repairs.
aceltx09 said:
Thats awesome, I got to get up to canada someday,I just dont want to pay the $300 toenter and not be able to carry my gun.

First I heard of a $300.00 entry fee into the country. You don't need your gun up here. We won't shoot you.

Oh...I have a grand total of 1600 miles on my 08GT
