How many miles on your Apex?

08 40th with 10300, blew the track and front rad a week and a half ago, have rebuilt everyhting except motor... 07RTX 9984 on it... this past weekend blew driveshaft.... have rebuilt everything except motor. so i have 2 stripped down apex's in the garage to make 1 to get me to end of season...

40th is getting a 144 track, extensions, front rad, new driveshaft... etc.. etc... the rtx is getting all the parts off the 40th... Love these sleds, but didn't expect the both to leave me in the woods 2 weekends in a row.... and i am a nal over maintenance...
06 apex gt,with 6000 miles and runs 132 speedo this last weekend,so it is still strong,and no donut problems yet!!
Mine just rolled to 20000 miles on this past Sat. Maybe I should sit down and wriite a repair to mileage report.

2011 Apex XTX...I bought mine 3 weeks ago and have 357 miles on it...I am glad to see that a lot of people are getting high mileage out of these motors..I am planning on riding it forever...I traded in 2000 SXR 700 with almost 9k on it...only work to the motor was a ring job around 8k, as a preventive measure!..
7300 miles on 06 apex er. 1 Y pipe and donuts, boggie wheels and bearings. Had an accident in quebec and replaced right a arms light pod and windshield.
Best addition was pilot skiis.
This summer will send the mono to half baked and redo all the bushings, add a 4th wheel and restud.
Next summer will redo the a arms.
i had just over 8k on my o7 rtx which i sold the beginning of february, put a couple hundred on my viper and then put 360 on my new 2011 xtx so for the year i had 1700 miles all together. A very down year for me every trip up nort seemed to have some issue that we weren't able to put a bunch of miles on. Hopefully next year i can get back to putting up higher mileage if my new baby doesnt hold me back :)
I have 11700 on my 06 with new track at 9770 with wheels replaced. I also have had to replace the OHLINS mono shock x2 thank GOD for YES warranty.

2 - 07 RTX's, one with 3300 miles, shock revalve, boggie wheels runs strong w/ no issues, :Rockon: one with 3200 miles Y pipe and donuts, shock revalve, boogie wheels, runs strong no issues. :Rockon:

2011 XTX, 1280 miles no issues other than F'n slide wear, best sled I've ever owned! ;)!
2006 attak..With 11000 and same track changed some berings and slides..running on her second belt...ya second belt..and transfer bar..thanks to sled is mint.. ;)!
