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I bent my sub-frame

Even with UPS brokerage you will still be saving well over 300 bucks.....

Oh and Cunuk77 be prepared for cycle parts to call you wanting another 20 for shipping....
Look at your skis from the side an one will be further back than the other...at least mine was.

I got my subframe today and will be installing tonight and ready for the fresh 10cm of snow we are getting..just so people know i got it from cycleparts and it was $410 + $156 shipping...it is still alot cheaper than $900 cnd....
so you dont need any special tools to get that subframe off c77 let me know how long it took
Nope no special tools except a primary clutch puller,but you can do it with the clutch on.I had it back on and together in 2 hrs,it is a much easier job than changing a nun on a rev...

Front bumper - 4 bolts
Plastics - all darts
Front Nose plastic - phillips screwdriver
A-arms - 14mm
Shocks - 14mm
Sway bar - 14mm
Aintifreeze res - 10mm
Cdi/Regulator - 8mm
Sub-frame bolts - 12mm
lower steering block - 12mm
Air box - 10mm
Skis - 17mm

Once you have frame off then you take sway bar and bottom steering arm off,put them on new subframe and start installing....
I took the a-arms,shock off as one peice,makes it faster to install.
another hint; when you put the sway bar on the new subframe don't put it on backwards,lol,it's not alot of fun switching the swaybar around when the subframe has been installed on the sled.
multi sled said:
another hint; when you put the sway bar on the new subframe don't put it on backwards,lol,it's not alot of fun switching the swaybar around when the subframe has been installed on the sled.

We won't ask how you know this.... ;)!
I noticed on my old sub-frame that my bottom pan was held on by 4 bolts,there was 4 alluminum inserts that they screwed into.New frame did not have those and i had to use plastic darts,my sled had a skid plate when i got it and i was wondering if i can buy those inserts so i can use the bolts again.
They are commonly referred to as Riv-nuts as far as I know, and I'll be looking for some myself this week.
Crewchief47 said:
They are commonly referred to as Riv-nuts as far as I know, and I'll be looking for some myself this week.

Fastenal sells them. I did manage to get some off of eBay
