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Follow up to my fix on page 2 - don't gp to this extreme! Had some earlier issue with a bit of heat on my trial run - went out today with the weather near freezing point. Managed to melt some of the rear cowl under my saddlebags - combination of too much heat and the bags pushing the cowling (plastic cover over tail exhaust).

Engine light came on only briefly when I would slow down - snow was really deep was helping cooling.

Back to the drawing board - will be removing at least some of the skin prior to the next run.


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My little dead blow hammer got a workout this weekend. Every time we stopped my SkiDoo buddies needed to borrow it to remove tunnel and floorboard ice. ;)!

Just trying to think outside the box here....I am a huge MX fan, and while I was scouring the websites for all of the pics from the Anaheim 3 mud race, I noticed all of the cool things that the mechanics do to prepare for a mud race. They use a lot of foam to try and prevent the mud from building up. I realize that this is apples and oranges...they are not below freezing and the races are a lot shorter than a trail ride...but just checking to see if anybody has experimented with this.

Even if it is a dumb idea, some of the attention to detail is pretty sick....follow the link below for pics.

http://motocross.transworld.net/2009/02 ... aheim-3-2/
Almost a deal breaker

I can wear a knapsack to carry my goodies - I can wear warmer gloves than what I am used to - I can waterproof my pants and boots (especially the left one)--

But I am not sure if I can put up with so much snow build up in the tunnel that the rear end is sagged right out = absolutely zero travel and and added weight!!!!!

Temperature makes no difference. When it is cold, there is one solid chunk of ice. When it is warmer, there is 80 pounds of wet snow.

On top of all this, today - the overheat light came on when doing a slow cruise (sightseeing on the lake at 40kmh). 0 degrees outside temp. On a two stroke, as long as there is snow, there is cooling.

I like the Nytro, but it certainly has some issues. Issues that should not be factors after "how many years of sled building?".

I have heard that Yamaha is looking at a fix for this on the Phazers. I am not sure what it is, but supposedly will install under warranty. I am thinking that the Nytro's can use a fix.

BTW - WD40 does not work AT ALL!!!!

My wife has the 2009 Phazer MTX with from the factory no tunnel opening and only the one cooler way up front and there is no snow build up problem at all. Keep in mind that there are no protectors hanging down just a smooth flat tunnel. This might work for the nytro if there were more side vents behind the seat to allow cooling, as the phazer is wide open beside and under back of exhaust. Just my 2 sleds worth...
My wifes Nytro builds up snow and ice like no other sled I have ever seen. While we were touring I had to chip away at 50 lbs of solid ice that went from the very back to 3/4's of the way up front. There is so much build up that it will make the rear sag when nobody is on it. I don't think there is a fix other than to carry a mallet and have at the ice everyday. The good news is my 1200 Doo has absolutely no ice buildup under the tunnel so I can spend all the time I want on her sled with the mallet and not have to worry about mine.
jds1000 said:
My wifes Nytro builds up snow and ice like no other sled I have ever seen. While we were touring I had to chip away at 50 lbs of solid ice that went from the very back to 3/4's of the way up front. There is so much build up that it will make the rear sag when nobody is on it. I don't think there is a fix other than to carry a mallet and have at the ice everyday. The good news is my 1200 Doo has absolutely no ice buildup under the tunnel so I can spend all the time I want on her sled with the mallet and not have to worry about mine.

" :bore: .....jds"......not sure anyone is gonna bite on this one.......but nice cast anyway.
gormleyflyer2002 said:
jds1000 said:
My wifes Nytro builds up snow and ice like no other sled I have ever seen. While we were touring I had to chip away at 50 lbs of solid ice that went from the very back to 3/4's of the way up front. There is so much build up that it will make the rear sag when nobody is on it. I don't think there is a fix other than to carry a mallet and have at the ice everyday. The good news is my 1200 Doo has absolutely no ice buildup under the tunnel so I can spend all the time I want on her sled with the mallet and not have to worry about mine.

" :bore: .....jds"......not sure anyone is gonna bite on this one.......but nice cast anyway.

I think with your post he just got a nibble, :moon:
