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Leaking Oil Resevoir

Add one more to the aluminum pile. 2006 Rage with 12700 Kms, I just noticed it when getting ready to store for the summer. This isn't a question of IF, It's a question of WHEN.

Also have replaced my oil tank on 06 Vector at 9000 km due to infamous crack at lower right mount. Replaced tank and placed rubber gromets as Outrageous outlined previously. Tank OK so far but, changing the oil just recently I noticed a crack at the angle of the lower right support arm that holds the lower right of the oil tank ( go figure ). That support is very flimsy and now have to replace it. Unfortunately it looks like the support was installed before the engine went in, not easy access to the bolt heads. Anyhow, still trying to get the thing off, may need to try an offset wrench to get at things. Time for a beer!
I might just take the lower mount out all together. It seems the tank is shifting back and forth causing the cracking. the hoses should stabilize it ok, and just let it dangle from the top grometed bolts. If there would be two mounts on the bottom, it would probable not crack.
pistons said:
I might just take the lower mount out all together. It seems the tank is shifting back and forth causing the cracking. the hoses should stabilize it ok, and just let it dangle from the top grometed bolts. If there would be two mounts on the bottom, it would probable not crack.

I agree with this thinking. The top and bottom mounts bolt to different areas. If there is any relative movement between these two points or different vibrations, the tabs will be stressed.

I put grommets in mine and left the bottom nut loose. 6600 miles and counting

Add another one...06' rage w/ 8000 mi. Luckily noticed it dripping in the garage. Will get it welded & install grommets tomorrow. I have a suspicion the vibration caused by the track is a contributer to this issue?
good catch! better than finding out the hard way...

I haven't hit 8000 miles yet so the jury is still out on the grommet fix but so far so good

Where exactly should I be looking for this? I have a 2005 Rage with almost 5000 miles...prob going to be an issue soon..
gnip134 said:
Where exactly should I be looking for this? I have a 2005 Rage with almost 5000 miles...prob going to be an issue soon..
With the right side panel off, look at the bottom right side of the oil tank. Right at the corner of the outside of the tank, by the mounting bolt, is where you will see a problem. The crack will be a hair line crack, not very big.
Strange that this seems to happen to the 3-holers. My Vector did it at 2200 miles. My Attak now has over 12,000 miles and no issue.

Oil Tank Mount

My 06 RS Nytro cracked the tank at 1900 Km's. Maybe this is a record low mileage for this. I had it welded and then bent the lower mount forward about an inch or so. I then added a reinforced rubber strap between the mount and the tank. I haven't had a chance to try it as the season is over but I think it'll help to isolate the tank from the flexing and vibration that's caused the cracking.


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Re: Oil Tank Mount

Yamasledder said:
My 06 RS Nytro cracked the tank at 1900 Km's. Maybe this is a record low mileage for this. I had it welded and then bent the lower mount forward about an inch or so. I then added a reinforced rubber strap between the mount and the tank. I haven't had a chance to try it as the season is over but I think it'll help to isolate the tank from the flexing and vibration that's caused the cracking.

I like it! I have an old limiter strap that should work nicely. (pays to be a pack rat)

Cracked my Oil Reservoir too, on a 2007 Venture. Dumped oil in it 4x getting it out of the woods... Friend did not want to tow... Ended up spinning center rod bearing.. dealer said never heard of it ?? "It never happens" Called Yammie USA they could do nothing said they have no TSB's , first complaint.. Everyone should call Customer Relations 1(800) 962-7926.. I need crank welded & cut, new rod all brgs and lots of labor.. Yamaha should should step up !!!
If you leave the oil tank filler cap loose the oil may last longer if the tank is not pressurized when cracked ??

If no one calls nothing will happen..
Erica from Yamaha Support said they only sold 100 tanks in last couple years !!!!! She did say if enough people call they may do something people have been refunded in the past....

Again everyone should call Customer Relations !!!! 1(800) 962-7926

Unreal. Have been doing year end maintenance and noticed a little oil. Couldn't find the source. Looked over this site just a little while ago and saw these posts. This is exactly the same problem I have. 2006 Vector with 7000 miles. Will see what dealer says tomorrow. In the meantime, has the aluminum welding been working for those that did it?

What a great site.

