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March Demo ride Tailgate/Chili cook II, Everyone is welcome!

Figures. The man in the fron of the pack on rides is serving everyone chili. I better not get stuck in the back!

There may not be much snow left!
IFlyEm said:
Figures. The man in the fron of the pack on rides is serving everyone chili. I better not get stuck in the back!

There may not be much snow left!
Re: March Demo ride Tailgate/Chili cook II, Everyone is welc

sleddheadd said:
hmmmm...... maybe a chili cook-off? a little friendly competition? ..........
What do you guys think? feel free to chime in!

I'm game I never made chili before but will make some.
Re: March Demo ride Tailgate/Chili cook II, Everyone is welc

pro116 said:
I'm game I never made chili before but will make some.
That's Awesome Ryan! We or should I say Jen, usually makes the Chili the weekend before and freezes it. on Friday she will let it thaw and on sat. morning she throws it in a crock pot on low and we will come back to the hotel around luch for a quick stir and then back on the trail till dinner time!
Don't forget about Thurs. nights cookout either!
Watch for information flyers on the hotel doors and Dry erase board in the lobby!
Even though I do much (most?) of the cooking around Chateau Buddah, chili isn't exactly my forte. HOWEVER, I might just through together a pot of a cabbage w/polish sausage soup that's known to kick bu**. LaLaLa
buddah2 said:
Even though I do much (most?) of the cooking around Chateau Buddah, chili isn't exactly my forte. HOWEVER, I might just through together a pot of a cabbage w/polish sausage soup that's known to kick bu**. LaLaLa
SWEET! That sounds like one heck of a Colon Cleanser! and a great Idea! I can't wait to try it!
Any more ideas or contributors joining in? This is a cheap fun way to have dinner in the evening!
tailgate chilli cookout

I will bring some spicy pretzels and we can throw them in the chilli! :Rockon:
