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Midwest snow report

If you're staying in wetmore you'll head south to the main trail (8) to take you to Grand Marais. So 419 South to 8, that's the intersection you'll see them at.
It's the main thoroughfare, no way around it.
Thus the reason they picked that spot.
But like simplespeed just said, the muffler should be a non-issue.
You in Wetmore????
I got my winder here in Wetmore at Borders.
0 degree and some tuned up winders.
Looking for some fast sleds to line up with.
Bud, ahhh...I'm not into trail racing
100mph on a 14' wide trail.
I prefer lakes, just in case something goes south.
My plan was to give you a heads up next time I go to Land-o-lakes.
The place I stay is right on the lake, The Cisco chain is 20 minutes away, and lake Gogibic is another option.
Like always...just waiting for more snow as things are thin that far south
where abouts would that be....
Here is a map of their secret location. Like Simplespeed stated I don't think Michigan is as stringent as Minnesota in regards to exhaust noise. But he would know way better than I would.
If your heading grand Marais way and want to avoid that intersection and some potentially bumpy trails trailer up to the Kingston plains and ride from there. There’s a nice parking area to park and drop the sleds. Trails around there are usually in pretty good shape and they’re wide if u wanna line up. Also lots of off trail playgrounds if u like that stuff
Haven’t seen anybody checking for sound up there. Been thru a few stops the past few years around Munising / wetmore but they were checking for stickers and registration. I run a Sandale 3” muffler nobody said a word or even checked
Good, I'll be right there Wed-Sun this week!
i hit a sound check with viper_dave and familyman 5-6 years ago comming out of gwinn going up towards the lake at a railway crossing but they where looking for 2 strokes with pipes or cans. familyman had a loud can on his turbo viper at that time and was told that the next year they would be starting to target the 4 stroke sleds.
Here ya go, 1nc2000 fresh off the Dyno and heading your way!

What, just saying

Rode all weekend.
Sled has not been on dyno.
Did several wide open pulls on the Hurricane 300ss tune out on H58 trail.
Have a really nice trail clutch setup now that will take this tune all day.
Rode all weekend.
Sled has not been on dyno.
Did several wide open pulls on the Hurricane 300ss tune out on H58 trail.
Have a really nice trail clutch setup now that will take this tune all day.
Oh hell...no he didn't. Man that sounds like an old fashioned "call out"
Or perhaps i read that wrong?!?! Can we go back over the part where you say, "take this tune all day?!?!" Ahh....did you mean "his tune all day"?!?! Zoinks!!
I'm pretty sure T.F. ain't got time to run with us peasants?!?!
I mean so what if you guys are 1 mi from each other and can't make that work. Hahaha....
H58 sounds like some b.s. trail with 10" of pow that hasnt been ridden all season long. TF, don't let him lure you into that crap. He's probably running a 2.25" inch lug on a extended 146" track.
Rode all weekend.
Sled has not been on dyno.
Did several wide open pulls on the Hurricane 300ss tune out on H58 trail.
Have a really nice trail clutch setup now that will take this tune all day.
LOL! All I did was find out how much power I don't have. Well, also how much power my track is robbing.
Did 98 wfo pulls on track dyno, does that count?
Please give me GPS coordinates for where you are, I'll be there eventually.
