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Mr Sled / Judging dealers


Apr 13, 2003
Burlingame, California
See sig
Mr Sled

Is there any way of creating a new forum regarding how we rate our dealers in alphabetical order good and bad. For example my dealer sucks big time, ripped me off royally, had problems gave me no help, the only best help I get is through this forum. Everyone's helpfull, also I got to know Kevin from Port Yamaha through this web site, no matter how silly my questions were he answered them and got me the parts and not only that, he returnes my calls, which my dealer does not. So from now on Capitol Yamaha in Sacramento Calif. does NOT get my business.

First/ I empathize with your problem/ I'm guessing that at one time or another we've all had some problems in this area/ the thing is there are many variables in rating dealers/ and we would need to be cautious in this area/ although I would rate my dealer far above average( what ever average is)/ If I were to walk in there on a Saturday morning when they are three deep at the counter and start asking or demanding an answer to my problem, I'm guessing that they might be less responsive to my situtation/ however if I were to approach them at a less busy time with a reasonable attitude I would get more satisfaction./ I will admit that I've avoided certain dealers because I have repeatedly heard negative remarks about them/ but I would think it wouldn't serve any purpose to let this sight become a whipping post for dealers/it's a good question and your point is well taken/ maybe someone sharper than myself has a good idea on how to fairly approach this subject/ let's hear from a few of you on your approach to this problem/ later
I agree with you jim-bob in that there are too many variables. It would not be fair to start to judge the dealers on this site. If you have a question about a dealer this could be handled with a PM to other members and not have each other bash the dealer. I am very pleased with my dealer and they have gone up to bat for me with warranty. I went to them because of word of mouth and because they can offer me a range of Yamaha products not just snowmobiles and they offer a fai deal on pricing and trade-in. I think it is good to let the members know about dealers that are not fair but it needs to handled properly :D .
While everyone understands your predicament, and empathizes with you, you need to be careful when doing something like what you are recommending. It is a different story when before the internet, you could only tell all your friends and anyone else who would listen that (insert dealer name here) is an a$$hole. Putting it in print proves that you yourself are willing to state clearly to the entire world (on the worldwideweb) that you will accept the legal ramifications when a dealer has to defend him/herself legally.

I was victim of 2 attempted customers who were in cahoots together on a scam once directed at me. This person posted a lot of BS on all kinds of message boards everywhere. I showed the posts to my lawyer and he said he could have a field day with this sort of thing. Yes it would cost a lot of money and grief but that is why when people sue, they sue for money.

I don't think it would be fair for Mr. Sled or even yourself to open yourselves up to these possible legal problems. If you say something to someone the burden of proof lies on the accuser...not the accused.

Personally, I would recommend against this. This site is real good the way it is and everyone tries to be as helpful as they can. Let's not ruin it by purposely putting a forum together simply for trying to ruin someones reputation. If their reputation is that bad, it will catch up with them over time.

Like in my case, there are 2 sides to the story. Since then I ran into one of the scumbags and I handled it personally. Problem solved! Eventually I will also get to the other guy.

How do you attract bees?...with honey! Go to the dealership and act like a gentleman. Don't raise your voice, allow them to make their statements as to why they had to do whatever they did to your sled. If it makes sense, eat your words, bite your tongue and swallow your pride and move on without any complications. If you don't understand what they are stating, ask them to explain again. If you feel you have a legitimate problem that needs correcting, simply state as such and ask them respectfully to correct the problem. If they don't and you truly feel however that you are still getting the short end of the stick, then I suggest taking legal action against them and allow a court to rule wether or not you have a legitimate beef or not.

Good luck with your problem.
There are some very popular Harley sites that rate their dealer experiences. I am not certain on their guidelines. I agree that a person needs to be careful about what is said; however, if enough things are mentioned about a dealer(written in a neutral tone), the voice of the consumer can be heard.
We could rate our dealers by positive experiences rather than by the negative ones. That way the dealers that are getting most positive "votes" are good dealers and the ones not getting any "votes" may be bad dealers. Just a thought...

Lots of snow, no time to ride - yet. But are going out this weekend for my first trip of the season.
I don’t feel that would be a good idea to have a specific area just for rating your dealer. I think word of mouth over the Internet is enough on its own and the legal issues for allowing this kind of dealer bashing could really kill the fun. I also feel the Yamaha them selves may frown on this and pull the advertising they do with us. This site is not an area for bashing its an area for questions and answers. Sorry
Thank you everyone for all your input. Well said too Mr sled, sorry, I didn't mean to cause a ruckus. This is a great web site. Thanks again.
