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Need my Viper Now


TY 4 Stroke Junkie
Apr 20, 2005
Zumbrota, MN
It's December, snow is falling, trails are officially open and I still don't have my snow checked XTX SE. I've called my dealer more times in the last month than I have in my entire life. Yamaha can't or won't give him any answers. My patience are gone. I'm leaving Saturday for my cabin in northern MN...20" or more predicted to be on the ground by tomorrow night. Who can I call to get some answers? If I don't have this sled by Thursday, I'll be more than ok buying an XF7000 cross country sno pro. They are sitting on the showroom floor at cat dealers all over my area. I'm 37 years old and I've been riding a yamaha sled since I was 14. I am as brand loyal and die hard as it gets. This is the 4th brand new yamaha I've snow checked and I've never had to wait until November much less December to get a sled. This is ridiculous to say the least. I need an answer today!!!!!!! :die

Tell me about I have never called so much and I must be driving them nuts but this is ridiculous. My dealer said it was invoiced and on the truck but that was the answer last week too!
Dealers are not happy either. While I was at mine yesterday he got 3 or 4 calls, all wanting to know where their sled was. I don't see any way Yamaha met their 70% at dealers by the end of Dec. But then I also don't see any evidence that Yamaha is too concerned about it. Wait I guess. Or not?
What's messed up is my dealer in Michigan has dealer stock XTX's sitting on the floor and snow check don't have theirs yet and their even red ones. Come on yamaha.
After comparing the 7000 and viper side by side I'd hate to see anyone back out on the viper and settle for the 7000. It's certainly a nice sled but it's always going to be 2 steps behind the viper no matter what you do. Hold out man it'll all be worth it in the end!

That sucks! I would be a tad bummed as well. On a positive note, on your way up north, swing by Baxter and pick me up. I hate for you to have to mark up that 20" by yourself. I will bring beer!
MNUser, Would be interested in your opinions on the Viper vs the 1200 Doo. Probably too early to say too much though. With all the Viper delivery issues I really do like the Ski Doo but I do not like 800 twins and I have heard the 1200 is not a very responsive motor, but still fast. Chassis and suspension looks real nice though. Seems to me that fit and finish on the Ski Doo has come a long ways also.
Give me a couple of weeks and I will let you know. We just got ridable snow here now I have to wait till the lake is a little thinker and I can access the trails. Hopefully by this weekend!
My XTX will be assembled and picked up Friday/Saturday.

I heard the XTX's were being built last, but that is just hear-say. Hope you get yours soon 2BLUE4U
cannondale27 said:
No XTX's here either. Were last built so should be out any day now.

What Steve said ;)!
