2022 Sidewinder ltx eps - getting rid of push

The skis can feel too rooted.
Good description of what the 6 inch shapers feel like to me.
I am going to try the Qualipieces Trek carbides this year. They are a semi-aggressive staggered carbide. The website picture doesn't really show how staggered they really are.
Good description of what the 6 inch shapers feel like to me.
I am going to try the Qualipieces Trek carbides this year. They are a semi-aggressive staggered carbide. The website picture doesn't really show how staggered they really are.
Those are what I'm coming off of. I had those on the Stryke skis. No darting at all and genuinely good...but there was push. I'm trying to get rid of that. I'm going to try the C&As with the triple points...and their shim and see how it feels.
Good description of what the 6 inch shapers feel like to me.
I am going to try the Qualipieces Trek carbides this year. They are a semi-aggressive staggered carbide. The website picture doesn't really show how staggered they really are.
They will push, that's what I had on my 22LTX which started me to write this thread in the first place. The 5.7R or 6.9 worked better with single carbides and navigators.
I would rather have a bit of push than have the front end "rooted in the snow". I can deal with the push.
That may be just me, but I hate the feeling of sled trying to high side me. I am getting too lazy to hang off the seat anymore.
Also, I hate darting, so a little push to achieve zero darting is ok with me.
Will these Tek carbides push too much? Maybe. Will they be better or worse than the Slim Jims? I will find out, I guess.
If they suck, then they will go with the rest of the other skegs on the wall.
Some sleds when ski pressure builds and it high sides, it can be quite managable. I find the procross quite the opposite. It fights highsiding and when it flips up it can be almost violent - where there is little to no control.

The trek carbide looks interesting. Would love to hear some feedback. I thought they were only made for a polaris ski and ski doo pilot?
I run the SLP Mohawk skis on my sidewinder.
Excellent ski for the UP type of riding.
Have you tried the snow trackers?
I'm contemplating mohawks or snow trackers.
I love the Trackers, but HATE them on a Cat ski. They are just way too unstable on the Cat ski.

Doo skis are nothing special without the Snowtrackers IMO. In fact they tend to push on the dual keels of the 5.7 and the 6.9. I have about 15,000 miles or more on my original set of Aggressive's on the Doo skis on my current Winder. Been thru 2 sets of correctors and in need right now of the 3rd set of correctors.
I've read about snow trackers pushing and not good on cat skis but I've heard the opposite on both accounts so that makes me think it could be set up.
Maybe I should try a doo ski with trackers or just get the mohawks.....??
I've read about snow trackers pushing and not good on cat skis but I've heard the opposite on both accounts so that makes me think it could be set up.
Maybe I should try a doo ski with trackers or just get the mohawks.....??

Are you asking me a question? I've never run a mohawk ski myself. What I know to be fact is the Trackers work fantastic on my single keel Doo race skis. They work on the twin keel Doo trail skis too, but more push with the trackers in loose snow like and twin keel ski.

Not sure what your wanting to put the on? A Cat or what? I never liked and wouldn't run the trackers on a Cat ski myself. I found them ver unstable on the Cat skis, had a buddy that tried then on a cat ski too and took them off right away cause he said the same thing, very unstable. Went to Doo skis and trackers on the 9000 and loved them and stuck with that setup.
Are you asking me a question? I've never run a mohawk ski myself. What I know to be fact is the Trackers work fantastic on my single keel Doo race skis. They work on the twin keel Doo trail skis too, but more push with the trackers in loose snow like and twin keel ski.

Not sure what your wanting to put the on? A Cat or what? I never liked and wouldn't run the trackers on a Cat ski myself. I found them ver unstable on the Cat skis, had a buddy that tried then on a cat ski too and took them off right away cause he said the same thing, very unstable. Went to Doo skis and trackers on the 9000 and loved them and stuck with that setup.
Do you know why some say that and others have no issues with cay skis/trackers? I don't know difference between those skis and I would think the trackers take over the ski....

I'm going to be putting either trackers or mohawks on a Catalyst.
Do you know why some say that and others have no issues with cay skis/trackers? I don't know difference between those skis and I would think the trackers take over the ski....

I'm going to be putting either trackers or mohawks on a Catalyst.
Cat skis and aggressive trackers were unstable for me. The semi agg. trackers. work way better then the aggressive on cat skis. The aggressive will make the very rear of the ski damn near drag on the ground and cause very unstable steering at times. THIS with cat skis. Aggressive trackers have been working good on yamaha skis and doo skis.
Cat skis and aggressive trackers were unstable for me. The semi agg. trackers. work way better then the aggressive on cat skis. The aggressive will make the very rear of the ski damn near drag on the ground and cause very unstable steering at times. THIS with cat skis. Aggressive trackers have been working good on yamaha skis and doo skis.
So use semis on cat or buy doo skis and install aggressives...or try mohawks. Lol
Ok ty.
I have a set of aggressive with 400 miles on them. Ill sell super cheap if you want to try them on cat skis yourself. I have them somewhere collecting dust. Im warning you though you may need extra briefs if you get aggressive with them in corners. They got almost scary unpredictable for me. I run light spring pressure on my front ski shocks and middle shock.
I have a set of aggressive with 400 miles on them. Ill sell super cheap if you want to try them on cat skis yourself. I have them somewhere collecting dust. Im warning you though you may need extra briefs if you get aggressive with them in corners. They got almost scary unpredictable for me. I run light spring pressure on my front ski shocks and middle shock.

Agree Jon, I had them on my 2012 ProCross turbo for a couple days and almost lost the sled and wrecked. Then a few years ago I tuned a guys 2017 RR that had new Aggressive Trackers on the Cat skis, took it out for a test drive and forgot how bad they were on the Cat skis, it refreshed my memory very fast. I had a death grip on the bars on that machine. Nothing like the good nice stable feel on the Doo skis at all. I feel they sit too far forward on the cat skis and try to steer themselves making the machine very unstable and dangerous.
I have a set of aggressive with 400 miles on them. Ill sell super cheap if you want to try them on cat skis yourself. I have them somewhere collecting dust. Im warning you though you may need extra briefs if you get aggressive with them in corners. They got almost scary unpredictable for me. I run light spring pressure on my front ski shocks and middle shock.
I appreciate the offer but wisdom is implying not to use them . Lol
I guess I'll look for doo skis or try semi aggressive .
I feel they sit too far forward on the cat skis and try to steer themselves making the machine very unstable and dangerous.
I appreciate the offer but wisdom is implying not to use them . Lol
I guess I'll look for doo skis or try semi aggressive .
doo like Knapp is running you want aggressive
