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New 2013 early release Yamaha snowmobile very disappointing

hang on to your money folks, at least here in canada. going to be a whole swack of cheap sleds that are '10-'11-'12 since no snow. dealership in town ordered more at beginning of year and now sitting on 30 with ZERO snow on the ground

A kids sled and a deep lug track. I really hope there is something else. We will be buying two 2014 sleds and I will never buy a first year sled. I really like our local Yamaha dealer and want to buy two new ones from them. We already have a Nytro and Vector in the trailer. I do not see the sense in buying what we already have unless we can get great deals on a couple leftovers. :o|
I think yamaha wants out of the snowmobile market, because around here everyone is trading there yamahas for cats and doo's.
Yamaha is a tough sell around here, new or used.. The local dealer still has a lot left over and we have awesome conditions. If its 4 stroke you want, then a lighter better handling sled is much easier to live with even if the engine is not as good as Yamaha's. We were riding with a guy the other day with an Expedition XU and it was amazing what it could do. We had a Yamaha with us today and we spent most of the day digging it out. Yamaha should start selling their engines to BRP and be done with it.
I've seen those Tuner skis in person. They are prob awesome on trail, but they are skinny and are not going to float well....

So why are they putting these on an off trail variant with a semi paddle track????? Would you put these instead on the RTX, and the Mountain skis on this sled instead? What are they thinking, lol!!!!!!
I bought my first 4 stroke and it was a Yamaha Vector LTX this year. I had certain reasons for buying this sled over the others and those reasons are the same today. I'm very happy with my decision and I've not regretted it yet. I didn' t plan on buying this and then looking to buy something again in a year or two or three for that matter. The way the sleds are priced one needs to look at the economy of things and look a little longer term. I mean a sled that cost you $10-12k is hard to do every few years. I also understand those that may of had their sleds for 4-7 years and are looking for something different. I also think it is important to look at when you buy a sled within the life cycle of that sled. If you buy early you maybe looking for something new sooner then if you bought near the middle or end of the life cycle. I know for me the sled I bought had some changes in 2010 with a new motor and some other stuff and this year they added the EPS and change the steering geometry. Now some might not think this isn't a lot, but then again I'm very happy when I bought and what I bought.

Just my two pennies.

So, this will be their 6th year on the same platform with minor changes, seriously ??? I could see if the last few years were near perfect, but they haven't. I switched to Doo this year because I was tired of having to always swap out parts to make the sled into a good crossover, not to mention Yamaha gotta get off their high horse and go out of their way to help a lifelong customer when they deserve it !

So long ol Blue, it's been fun :moon:
I'm with Vector up there.

I had an 06 Rage and loved it...put enough miles on to just about wear it out.
I got a new vector this year and now I don't want to see changes for 3 years, then 3 years to get the bugs out and I will be ready to buy again...or maybe this will be my last sled...I'm gettin up there now. and should be able to get 10 years out of it
I've had he 1.75 track for years now and it is great, but all the build up for such a nothing change is silly. They have been selling the Nytro in Europe with the 1.75 for a while. Why take so long to make it available from the factory here? Was really hoping for something big, guess we will just keep what we have and wait.

yes yamaha is building the same sled because they build quality and they only want you to buy a new sled maybe every 6 or 7 years. The other manufacturers may have lightwieght fun sleds but the only last a couple years or people allways trade after two or three years to get the newest greatest thing out. When Yamaha basically build the same sled it makes the aftermarket happy and it keeps the resale high. My only problem is with the Nytro chassis. The nytro was built to be a snowcross racer and it doesnt handle well on the trail at speed. I think once they quit snowcross this chassis should have ben discontinued. Yamaha made a crosscountry race kit for the nytro but made it overpriced. Yamaha has a plan and they are sticking to it. I would think they would have to release something new sometime.
They sure got everyone talking didn't they.
Re: 2013

srx900 said:
yes yamaha is building the same sled because they build quality and they only want you to buy a new sled maybe every 6 or 7 years. The other manufacturers may have lightwieght fun sleds but the only last a couple years or people allways trade after two or three years to get the newest greatest thing out. When Yamaha basically build the same sled it makes the aftermarket happy and it keeps the resale high. My only problem is with the Nytro chassis. The nytro was built to be a snowcross racer and it doesnt handle well on the trail at speed. I think once they quit snowcross this chassis should have ben discontinued. Yamaha made a crosscountry race kit for the nytro but made it overpriced. Yamaha has a plan and they are sticking to it. I would think they would have to release something new sometime.

I have a 2010 Nytro XTX and I love the way it rails around the twisty curves no I mean NO inside ski lift at all I LOVE MY NYTRO AND WOULD BUY ANOTHER WHEN I REPLACE THIS ONE. KEEP UP THE GREAT JOB YAMAHA MAKING A GREAT PRODUCT.
While I want to see the newest greatest thing every year from every manufacturer...... I am not buying a new sled every year. I remember a time when I did just about that, but that was when sleds cost what they were worth, NEXT TO NOTHING!

My plan: I have been riding a 2008 Nytro MTX 153 and just bought a new left over 2010 Nytro MTX 162 SE (NIGHT AND DAY DIFFERENCE IN HANDLING AND FLOATATION/GETTING ON TOP OF THE SNOW). Left oer was a SCREAMING GOOD DEAL! Plan to break it in and turbo it (MCXpress 270 ho kit). Then each year add a little bling/update to the sled. That is not a plan I could have done prior to the 4-stroke longevity/quality.

Will a new 2013 PRO RMK go places my stock Nytro won't go (YES!). Will I be riding my turbo sled places it can't go (YES!). Will I be happy riding my tricked out Nytro 7 years from now (YES). Will anyone still have a running 2 stroke Pro RMK in 3 years.......... (YOUR GUESS IS AS GOOD AS MINE, but my 2 buddies who have blown theirs up this winter might have some clues for you.....)
So..... If your complaining about nothing new, or the price....... Maybe you should try picking up a couple of skiis and become one of those stick walkers I ride by on the trail.........
Im buying new this fall more than likely and unless yamaha comes out with something new Im jumping ship Im sick of the same old things from them. It only took them how many years to update a ski that everyone hates. Do they not listen to their consumers or what
If Yamaha is like all other Japanese manufactory's they only do big model changes every 5 yrs. I work for one and we do a big model change every 5 yrs. With small "why did they do that" changes every year. That's now they work, they plan many years ahead. Their golden ticket is the engine. I even had a Japanese trainer from Japan tell me Yamaha makes good engine. Funny thing is he rides snowmobiles. So if this will be the 5yr change. Hell it took over 20yrs before the company I work for "americanized" their cars. Now we can't build them fast enough. So with saying that they probly do have a new platform out there or 2. If they do just remember the years following will be like that last ones we had. I just get tiered of hearing about how bad Yamaha is and they don't hold up and broke this and so on. But they also say how hard they drive and just beat the hell out of them and how the other sleds brands take can't it either. sounds like a personal problem not a sled design problem. If I'm that unhappy with something I just don't use it and move on. If you like to ride hard and jump and bang stuff around and Yamaha isn't holding up. Then it sounds like yamaha isn't the brand your needing.(sorry for the rant just had to get it off my chest)I myself love Yamaha's and will have them untill they are not reliable to me. Hopfully that will never happen.
