New belt squealing 08 Nytro


Feb 5, 2024
Reaction score
Iroquois, Ontario
2008 Yamaha Nytro, 03 MXZ 600, 02 MXZ 500F, 05 600SDI
Hello people, I can do a little more research and probably find the answer but thought it would be easier to ask. I put a new belt on my 08 Nytro Fx and it has been squealing since. I have drove it roughly 20 kilometers since hoping it would stretch a little and stop but it hasn’t. I looked into a little bit and if I remember correctly, there are 3 screws in the backside of the secondary? That I can take out and either remove or add washers to, to open the secondary up a bit? Is this correct? I also had the secondary off to clean and grease the jack shaft and driveshaft bearings but I’m positive I put everything back the way it was. I also found that the primary sheaves were just a little warmer than they should be, I think, they were a little warmer than my ski Doo 500F anyways. Am I on the right track with the washers on the back of the secondary?
Yes you are. Need to open the secondary a bit for the new belt.
The tips of those bolts wear down.
Replace them or remove the washers.
Hi guys, just getting back to this now. I had put the new drive belt in my 08 Nytro and after it was squealing at idle. It is sitting above the secondary so as mentioned above I will need to remove the washers in the back of the secondary. Please excuse my inexperience and probably super basic questions but I just want to make sure if a few things first. I took a look and can see that there is indeed washers in those screws but I can’t tell whether they are 1mm or .5 mm spacers. If they are 1mm spacers then I’m going to try putting .5 ones in. My first question is can I use any washer that is .5mm thick or should I order the OEM PN 90201-06H1 washers? Also is this as simple as removing the secondary, changing the washers, and putting it back together? Nothings going to explode on me? Lol. And the manual says to grease the fixed sheave splines with Esso beacon 325 grease or Aeroshell 7A. Not sure how hard it is to get this grease? But what are you guys using?
i use oe washers.

pretty much any grease will work.
Unless you're into drag racing from a standing start, don't worry about the .5mm washers. Just take out the stock washers and the put the bolts back in without them. Save yourself from being overcharged some $$$
Unless you're into drag racing from a standing start, don't worry about the .5mm washers. Just take out the stock washers and the put the bolts back in without them. Save yourself from being overcharged some $$$
Thank you, No, no drag racing for me. I was thinking of trying that, I just wasn’t sure if taking the washers out would bring me to the right height? I think the belt height is supposed to be between .5mm below the outer edge to 1.5mm above but I would have to check again to be sure. So just taking them completely out will get me where it needs to be then?
Well that was easy, I easily able to remove those 3 screws without taking the secondary off, it had 1mm washers in it, belt height was 1.75mm above the sides of the secondary, I took the washers off and the belt height was pretty much exactly flush. Range was .5mm below to 1.5mm above so I’m happy with that. I called Irwin Supply in Cornwall and they have the .5mm washers in stock for 3.99 so I will pick those up when I’m in town to have for when this belt starts to wear.Even had time to get out for a little ride. Trail conditions were pretty darn good here in Eastern Ontario
