New Heavy Duty/High performance clutching for My Sidewinder this season

So i have a question,is there anybody in here that runs the Tapp in dragracing? Or know someone who does? I run a Sidewinder with 400 hp with studs 1,86 and skid162" . I run now with Viper Primary and Secondery with ThunderProducts weigts and 911. This is on the limit what this cluthses can handle. I want to buy some billet chlutses for next dragracing seson but i have not desided what brand to buy and what sice on Primary and secondery to buy. 8,75 Primary and 11" ?? Anybody here that could give me some advice to buy and what setup to run? You could pm me if you could give me some hints :) We run snow dragracing 201 m with snow from start to finish.
More info. I went to the 240/270/300 trail muffler tune this year. same clutch set up as last year. Went out on the lake today to try some things. I switched my stock 35 helix out for a 40 just to see what would happen. Rpm strangely stayed about the same, I was anticipating a big drop, but the sled felt sluggish. I went back to the 35 and will continue to run it in the stock secondary.
It seems the big difference between the Pro-4 and stock Yamaha secondary is helix diameter. I wonder how this effects helix angle comparison between the 2? A pro-4 45 degree acts like ????? in the Yamaha secondary?

I will say my buddy is running the same tune on a 2019 ZR9000 but with 21-38 gears and TEAM clutching, stock secondary setting. That thing is a bullet!!! Those gears really make it roll on top vs my 21-41......
the season has been off to a slow start , finally got some ice to try testing again , last season I started off with the Tapp and stock secondary 35 helix b/o spring worked great ,just needed to add some weight in the arms to stay off the rev limiter , now I purchased a stm secondary to try with the Tapp , stm 46/36 purple spring , this combo brought my rpm down enough that I was able to pull weight on my arms which now r empty , and my rpm r perfect , this combo works good also , next ill try to see if the top end is better with the stm vs stock ,
More info. I went to the 240/270/300 trail muffler tune this year. same clutch set up as last year. Went out on the lake today to try some things. I switched my stock 35 helix out for a 40 just to see what would happen. Rpm strangely stayed about the same, I was anticipating a big drop, but the sled felt sluggish. I went back to the 35 and will continue to run it in the stock secondary.
It seems the big difference between the Pro-4 and stock Yamaha secondary is helix diameter. I wonder how this effects helix angle comparison between the 2? A pro-4 45 degree acts like ????? in the Yamaha secondary?

I will say my buddy is running the same tune on a 2019 ZR9000 but with 21-38 gears and TEAM clutching, stock secondary setting. That thing is a bullet!!! Those gears really make it roll on top vs my 21-41......


Not sure if this helps, but I've done some testing similar in comparison.

I've got a viper secondary clutch with straight 45 helix, yellow secondary spring. It turns the exact rpm as my factory winder secondary clutch, straight 35 helix and yellow spring.

Hence, the factory roller is so efficient, it needs 10 degree less of helix.

Not sure if this helps, but I've done some testing similar in comparison.

I've got a viper secondary clutch with straight 45 helix, yellow secondary spring. It turns the exact rpm as my factory winder secondary clutch, straight 35 helix and yellow spring.

Hence, the factory roller is so efficient, it needs 10 degree less of helix.

Not only the roller, but the larger helix of the winder secondary requires less degrees too.

Got this beauty in last week. 110% satisfied thus far. Extremely easy to setup and incredible belt grab. Clutch runs so cool its almost unbelievable. Worked a bit this week on measuring /verifying/achieving correct offset. Will try and find some time this weekend to continue testing some different helix/spring combos. Its an expensive purchase no doubt but I have zero regrets on the purchase. The quality is unreal and fast to make adjustments. Great addition for the winders.
View attachment 159077
Got this beauty in last week. 110% satisfied thus far. Extremely easy to setup and incredible belt grab. Clutch runs so cool its almost unbelievable. Worked a bit this week on measuring /verifying/achieving correct offset. Will try and find some time this weekend to continue testing some different helix/spring combos. Its an expensive purchase no doubt but I have zero regrets on the purchase. The quality is unreal and fast to make adjustments. Great addition for the winders.
what secondary clutch r u going to use ? I find the stock secondary with a 35 helix , dalton b/o spring works good with the Tapp , also the stm secondary 46/36 , purple spring also works good , these r all good starting points , enjoy the Tapp , great primary
View attachment 159077
Got this beauty in last week. 110% satisfied thus far. Extremely easy to setup and incredible belt grab. Clutch runs so cool its almost unbelievable. Worked a bit this week on measuring /verifying/achieving correct offset. Will try and find some time this weekend to continue testing some different helix/spring combos. Its an expensive purchase no doubt but I have zero regrets on the purchase. The quality is unreal and fast to make adjustments. Great addition for the winders.
Wow! Very nice. You could attach a gold chain to it and wear it around your neck. Let us know how it performs.
View attachment 159077
Got this beauty in last week. 110% satisfied thus far. Extremely easy to setup and incredible belt grab. Clutch runs so cool its almost unbelievable. Worked a bit this week on measuring /verifying/achieving correct offset. Will try and find some time this weekend to continue testing some different helix/spring combos. Its an expensive purchase no doubt but I have zero regrets on the purchase. The quality is unreal and fast to make adjustments. Great addition for the winders.

Nice purchase! But no reason to spend a bunch of time testing secondary components.

Use a 35 stock or Dalton helix, and new Dalton Version 2 Black/Orange wrapped to 90 in the stock secondary, or a Cat Dalton white set at 9&2, both springs will read the exact same pressures low and high. Then tune the primary to either of those secondary combos for a 270 or 300 tune using XS825 belt or 8JP belt for trail usage.
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what secondary clutch r u going to use ? I find the stock secondary with a 35 helix , dalton b/o spring works good with the Tapp , also the stm secondary 46/36 , purple spring also works good , these r all good starting points , enjoy the Tapp , great primary
stock secondary for now
Wow! Very nice. You could attach a gold chain to it and wear it around your neck. Let us know how it performs.
I did.......and then my wife said I looked ridiculous!! Woman just dont understand, rather then have her nag I installed it on the sled.
Nice purchase! But no reason to spend a bunch of time testing secondary components.

Use a 35 stock or Dalton helix, and new Dalton Version 2 Black/Orange wrapped to 90 in the stock secondary, or a Cat Dalton white set at 9&2, both springs will read the exact same pressures low and high. Then tune the primary to either of those secondary combos for a 270 or 300 tune using XS825 belt or 8JP belt for trail usage.
I wasnt straying very far from the 35...... I had a 37 at home that I tried and really liked as well but was getting a bit of slip near full shift, same with the 35. Im running the 825 belt on a 290 tune but im also a 146 with a 1.6 track so I suspect thats attributing to the secondary slip nearing full shift. I also hadnt spent much time verifying correct offset before testing so went ahead and did that this week and after mocking everything up and measuring....and measuring some more ,I came up with 59.5mm offset with the tapp/stock secondary combo. Will hopefully get out there this weekend and retest.
I wasnt straying very far from the 35...... I had a 37 at home that I tried and really liked as well but was getting a bit of slip near full shift, same with the 35. Im running the 825 belt on a 290 tune but im also a 146 with a 1.6 track so I suspect thats attributing to the secondary slip nearing full shift. I also hadnt spent much time verifying correct offset before testing so went ahead and did that this week and after mocking everything up and measuring....and measuring some more ,I came up with 59.5mm offset with the tapp/stock secondary combo. Will hopefully get out there this weekend and retest.

I have found now too that even the 825 needs more secondary side pressure. Adding helix or reducing the spring pressure exasperates the slippage so keep the spring wrapped tight.

Rollers in the secondary also have a big effect in side pressure, I find the stock Yamaha rollers require less wrap where the hi-torque fiber rollers require even more wrap to have the same side-pressure on my drill press scale. The 35 helix even needs heavy secondary springs on the XS belt.
