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New RX-1 mirrors


Dec 2, 2003
Newfoundland, Can.
I recently installed the new style RX-1 mirrors on my sled . They look great, however they dont provide a good view behind you if you insall them using the template provided ie. they are tipped a little low. Just a hint to those ordering these ... have a freind hold them in place before drilling the holes in the cowl.

Hope this helps!

Where was your advice a month ago. I put my mirrors on using their template, and when I was done, I had a nice view of the ground. I was lucky enough that I could drill one hole a little lower and had a couple of flat black round plastic plugs that I glued into place to cover my holes. Thanks again Yamaha, for screwing up another one of your genius ideas. :evil:

I had the dealer install (I use this term loosely, cause it took about 10 seconds to do) a set of mirrors.

After taking delivery, I saw the stick-on mirrors which are about one inch by 3 inches and stick directly to the cowl, and told the guy that if I had seen the type of mirror he was going to install and charge me for, I would have told him to forget it.

They are all but useless. Nothing adjustable, you have to get possitioned just right to see back and with everything shaking, you know there is a headlight back there and that's about all.

I assumed he would put a real mirro on, but my first mistake was to assume something.

I might as well have gotten one of those glove mirrors and velcro it to the back of my glove. At least I could take my hand off the handlebar and stop it from shaking.

After you guys use the mirror for awhile, post back on how it is working. I nned to do something.
I used 'Doo mirrors. They work fine, but look a little odd because of their shape and the angle they have to sit at. If I have to replace them, I'm going with Cat mirrors. The 'doos were FAR cheaper than Yamaha's (at least last year's mirrors, which I couldn't get anyway because they were back ordered forever, like everything else Yamaha...) and I think the Cat's are even cheaper, and more adjustable.

Rx-1snow. Your timing couldn't have been better. When I read this post yesterday I had just finnished cutting the templates off the instruction page. I installed my mirrors today and to see properly I rotated the position about 5/8 inch.
1. First I set the mirror adjustment to center (up and down adjustment)
2. Placed the original template on the sled.
3. Drilled the first hole (closest to front of sled) about 1/4 inch below original.
4. With just one screw mounted both mirrors.
5. Sat on sled and tilted the mirros for best view
6. Marked the second hole and driled them out.
7. Completed install and I can see.
This took more time but was worth it.
Thanks for the heads up. Prevented my blood pressure from rising. The final position was no where near what the template had.

Its stuff like this that make this site so great.
