New track for MP


Mar 2, 2013
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New to this forum, this is my first question.
I am thinking of putting a new track on my MP. Anyone just retracked to same length/width, but bigger lugs?
I saw there is one with 2" lugs and same pitch, so it would be easy.
Anyone with experiences?
I would suggest a search for posts by Karl; I believe he has a 2" or bigger lug. What type of riding do you do to need a 2" lug track? I switched to a 1.5" Crossover and it is a big improvement over the Ripsaw but that probalby wouldn't be enough for your riding and I'm not sure they are available in the 16" width.
Yes I have read karls posts and that is an option, to extend a little. I was looking at 391 cm or just retrack with higher lugs.
The later I believe will be much easier.
If I extend, I will probably have to change to drivewheels with a different pitch too.
Therefore my question if anyone had tried a 144*16*2" track.
I have a 159-16-2 with factory pitch on my MP, 15" extended. The track is from an older Summit. One tooth smaller extroverts and the lowest gearing that was possible to do. It's not a smooth ride but you can do long distance rides with it. The hitch frame are modified due to the extra 15". I think a high lug 144" and a low gearing will be just as good as the 159" overkill :-) But my custom solution suits me well
I have a 159-16-2 with factory pitch on my MP, 15" extended. The track is from an older Summit. One tooth smaller extroverts and the lowest gearing that was possible to do. It's not a smooth ride but you can do long distance rides with it. The hitch frame are modified due to the extra 15". I think a high lug 144" and a low gearing will be just as good as the 159" overkill :-) But my custom solution suits me well
Hi goby!
Thanks for the answer! If I don't find a slightly used lomgtrack, I will probably go with a 2"-lug 144" track.
Funny, I live in sorsele, "just" 250 km from where you are located!
I just went through Camoplast's catalog and I saw none in a 16X144. We know they exist since the MP came with it. All I could find were 15X144 in the Challenger 2" lugs.

The stock Ripsaw 16X144 is available from Yamaha but not from Camoplast? And at $964CAD, that's a lot just for an extra 1" on a crappy Ripsaw!
Any reason why you couldn't use a 15" track on the MP - I guess the suspensions are the same width as the VL.
You could. Both are the same, just different shocks. I have a VL skid in my MP with my original 16" track. You would just lose a bit of floatation but then with a 2" paddle track, even 15" wide, you would gain extra traction.
My bad, I forgot to mention that the 144-track I have seen is a brp-track.
Sure, I could go with a 15", but if I can find a reasonably good solution I will go for the extra width.
I now managed to find a store nearby that has extended a fair amount of ventures/phazers. Customprojects isn't nearly as common here in Sweden as "over there", things are waaaay more pricey here, and therefore it's good to find expertise here!!!
Not sure if that's a typo or what on it because I see 16 X 44? Looked at all the other tracks there and there are none others in the 16 X 144, not even the Ripsaw.

Karl, you still running that 159x16x2 track? I guess you used extensions? That could also be a an option.
Yes, still running the Challenger 159x16x2 with 10" Gen 2 Simmons up front.

I got the track and 7.5" extensions from Tracks USA.
I found a slightly used track that i will put on in a week or so. It's 144*16*2.25. Do you think i'll have to cut the lugs and what gearing should i go with?
Well, the "new" track was a HUGE improvement!
Now I just have to change bushings in the frontsuspension, new bearings in the skid and maybe gear down, then im set!
