No reverse or light need solution ?


Oct 25, 2009
Reaction score
Strathroy ,on
Venture Light
Ok just had the cold weather start kit put in and got it back home on the trailer and bang no reverse nothing ,researched on here and found that when I hold the throttle wide open and turn key on then release and start no problems ! What is the issue and solution ? Heading to North bay this week end ! hoping for snow !
Got my dealer to give me a deal on kit $260 ! steal
I wonder if it's something in the programming in the ECU that causes this? No problems before that?

I wouldn't hold your hopes up for NB. Garbage weather coming.
I wonder if it's something in the programming in the ECU that causes this? No problems before that?

I wouldn't hold your hopes up for NB. Garbage weather coming.
no nothing other then the usual , I see trails are yellow now but cottage is rented .
I was thinking the same thing
I've had some luck rocking it back and forth when it did it as if moving the track made the switch inside the gear box work or something. I only had it for a very short time before I got the update, even before I rode it so I can't compare before and after. My son has the old ECU and never has problems with reverse, NEVER! Kinda makes me mad ;):D
I've had some luck rocking it back and forth when it did it as if moving the track made the switch inside the gear box work or something. I only had it for a very short time before I got the update, even before I rode it so I can't compare before and after. My son has the old ECU and never has problems with reverse, NEVER! Kinda makes me mad ;):D
yes I tried that finally pulled it backwards off the trailer , dam heavy and tried different things with that solution , wonder if it could be something in the throttle switch ? other than that this sled rides like a different machine from when I first got it , Thanks for all your suggestions !
Just got in guys, I'll have a snoop around our site but I seem to recall a thread that tied this one into the throttle position sensor. Does that one ring any bells for anyone? Or is this yet another manifestation of my advancing senility.
Yes but it might work. It's hit or miss.
Ok got back from NB 800km trip almost 10k on sled now ,had a SC84 while driving and lost power both times let it idle and it went away replaced the throttle limiter switch unit (with the kill switch) and that solved the SC84 . But did not affect the reverse issue , unless I hold the throttle open while turning key on then releasing and starting it am I able to have reverse . Would that leave the throttle position sensor or the ECU as the problem ?
Mine still does it occasionally. Sometimes moving the sled back and forth makes it work. Other times I have to shut it down and restart but I don't have to hold the throttle while doing so. My D light also still flashes occasionally and I think may to be tied to this problem. I'd have to play around with the wiring and contacts for the reverse box. Could be the forward sensor switch or the contacts inside the shifter motor.
ok I will check those things out ,this did not occur till right after the ecu was changed though
I might swap out the updated ECU with my son's original and see what happens. I am willing to forgo the quicker starts for more reliable reverse.
I was talking to the dealer and he thinks its the F/R solenoid and spring is not strong enough as the 2008 were made with the stronger ones along with the upgraded ecu .$300 part !
Mine is still doing it on a regular basis and my D light flashes. I'd have to play with the sensor wires and see if it would make a difference if I were to short out the forward gear sensor. If it's flashing, that tells me it's not sensing that it's in forward gear properly. I might pull the whole gear box out and give it a good once over during the off season.
