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Oil Leak, 04 Warrior


Nov 10, 2005
Muncie IN
I was riding in Gaylord this week and got into a tight spot on the trails. Our group pulled off of the trail onto a snowbank (about 12 inches high) to let some other sleds pass by. After a few seconds the snowbank gave way and my sled layed over on its side coming to rest on the handlebar. It did not hit hard or drop it just layed over. Anyway I got it back over in about 10 -15 seconds and I noticed oil was running out of it. After about 3-5 minutes it was still dripping about a drop per second from the left side. I pulled it forward a few feet to see how much leak and then it was dripping from both sides. After about ten minutes it stopped, I could not really tell in the snow how much dripped out but i checked it and then rode it back to the room. It did not leak out anymore over night but it kinda had me freaked. I am new to the 4 strokes this year and am still learning about them. Is this normal for a sled that has been tipped onto its side (brake lever side) and if so what part of the engine would allow several ounces of engine oil to leak out that fast. I kinda had me boggled. Thanks for the help

I am only a grease monkey, sunday morning mechanic, but it would seem to me that you just lost some of the oil from the motor leaking out of the breather hose (located on the left side of the motor). Since you still had the sled running, the oil that circulates from the oil reservoir was traped in the block side. When you tiped the sled over, the oil found it's lowest point...breather box. The remaining oil was trapped in the reservoir. Clean up and top off...and keep a watchful eye.
Thanks for the replys. I was just wanting to verify that there was an explanation for what happend and that I didnt have a seal or gasket or something that was bad and needed replaced.
