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oil leak


Jun 25, 2006
Waunakee, WI
The past weekend my wife and I went to Eagle River to the Derby. Went to unload the sleds Fri morning to go for a ride. Started up her Phazer in the trailer and backed it out. After pulling it out I noticed a rather large spot of engine oil on the floor of the trailer where the sled had been parked. Shut the sled down and looked under it and noticed a fair amount of oil dripping from the engine area. Pulled both side panels off and could not see anything obvious. Checked the oil level and it was full. Started the sled back up and let it run. Oil did not continue to leak out after what was in the belly pan ran out. Let it run for quite awhile, constantly watching it. No more leaks and no funny noises. Took it out on the lake and ran it up and down a little, all the while watching it. No more leaks!! Probably rode it about 80 miles and never had a problem again. Anyone ever have this problem or hear of a similar one? This is very baffling to me at this point. I had changed the engine oil towards the beginning of the season but it probably has 500 miles since then, so if I had done something wrong there I would think it would have surfaced before now. I know I should probably have the dealer check it out but I dont want to tie up any riding time since we just got dumped on again yesterday! Any thoughts would be appreciated!!

Did you pull off the cover underneath the crank case to see if it was coming from the crank case drain bolt? Maybe that loosened up.
had a similar experience but it was over the summer,after i stored it,maybe a month after i noticed a small puddle of oil.in october,i took the sled out of storage and inspected everything from oil tank to filter,drain plug you name it,it is still a mistery,rode 1200 miles so far this season and not a drop on the floor
If the sled was tipped to the side the breather tube may have filled with oil then ran out when you started the sled
I have been reading this forum and have learned lot from it. I have an 07 GT and have experienced many of the problems others have. I had an oil leak which was detected at the time of the steering recall in Nov. It turned out to be chain oil and a small rubber grommet had to be replaced. This was all done by the dealer and under warranty.
Same exact thing happened to me, Rydblue. Good news, it's nothing to worry about! That's just engine oil that drained from the airbox. Oil collects on, and drips from, the belly pan and onto floor.

Oil gets in airbox when sled is tipped over, and maybe even when engine is redlined for a long time.

If it didn't leak anymore after you first saw it, what else could it be?
Thanks for the replies everyone. Just have to get time to pull it back out of the trailer and check that airbox. If that ends up being the problem I'll have to add that to my pre-ride checklist from now on. Kind of embarrassing when all your buddies (who all ride POLARIS) are watching your sled puke oil all over the ground. I buy Yamaha so I can be the one waiting for someone else to fix their junk and not be the one holding up the group!
Anyone have any idea why there would be so much oil collecting in the airbox? It's never been on it's side and doesn't get held wide open for any great length of time. I've never had to add any oil to it in the past either.
rfabro said:
Same exact thing happened to me, Rydblue. Good news, it's nothing to worry about! That's just engine oil that drained from the airbox. Oil collects on, and drips from, the belly pan and onto floor.

Oil gets in airbox when sled is tipped over, and maybe even when engine is redlined for a long time.

If it didn't leak anymore after you first saw it, what else could it be?

Mine did the same thing.
Got a chance to check it out, looks like it was coming from the air box. There was alot of oil residue in the air box but no liquid puddles of oil. I sprayed brake cleaner into the airbox where the drain hole is and the cleaner runs down the front of the block, over the oil filter and off the corner of the engine block right into the belly pan where I noticed the oil leaking from. I completely cleaned out the air box and engine block of all oil residue and put everything back together. I still dont understand how this could cause a sudden puddle of oil like it did, I could see a constant steady drip but not a big puddle all at once. Someone told me that I should not be filling the oil tank all the way to the full mark, just to keep the level somewhere in the middle of full and add. Anyone else hear that?
If it has not been tipped over it sounds like you could have been overfull.

It is pretty darn imperative on these machines to check the oil after 10-15 minutes of run time. It also does not have to be filled to the "H" on the dipstick. The two marks are basically a range. Anywhere above the "L" and below the "H" is fine.
Just bought a mountain edition 3 weeks ago and this happened to me today. Went out to camp, and in the morning I noticed a puddle of oil under the belly pan. took it all apart to check and see where it was coming from. couldn't find any source. Put everything back together and rode it all day and no more oil. Too weird. When I took it apart I did take a lot of ice out of everywhere, maybe the ice was blocking something? Also this machine likes to hit the rev limiter very easy and all the time.
might have been over filled from the oil change. like the guys are saying the overflow goes to the airbox and is might have leaked when you parked it after you last ride...
