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Phazer Riders Check Spindle Ovaling Where Ski Mounts

Hey Weapon X I sent you a PM but do have a few Kits left. I'm in the process of turning out another batch since the great man winter is steadily upon us thanks.
Im interested in two sets for the nytro xtx which will have standard sometimes and yam mtx (mountain) skis others...
Just mounted the premium kit on my Phazer RTX and it worked great. No more slop =) It also workes great with my SLP Powder Pro skis wich I was a litte bit concerned about.

Thanks Rob!

Hey riders I have been getting some feedback on the condition of your spindles when you install the spindle kit. When the condition of the spindle is wore really bad a thick coat of #640 Piston Sleeve Loctite is recommended when installing the new sleeve. Cure time on that is usually overnite or so depending on the temprature. I have one spindle I had to do this too during R&D testing last year and it still is tight to the day.

For the guys who buy aftermarket skis which use different shaft and spacer lenghts than stock. Special orders other than stock can be made up to fit your skis. The standard Phazer is 3" and the MTX is 4" wide, for example the Slydog Mountain Ski are 3" wide thanks again for the feedback.
Hey riders now that there are many aftermarket skis out there. Take note if you are using stock hardware or if the ski comes with new hardware. A simple way is to measure the hardware length that sits in ski mount saddle. I have an application list started of skis that use stock hardware but not all of them thanks.
