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Regular vs. supreme gas - Mileage Difference?


Sep 28, 2007
As recommended, I usually burn supreme gas in my phazer. However on the weekend, only regular gas was available so I had to use that.

I did notice a small difference in power(only on the top end), but I had somewhat lower gas mileage, roughly 10% lower than I've gotten in the past in similar conditions and riding style.

This was my first ride this year and I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this, or if I should get something else checked out.


you will get alot of Opinions on it, so here is mine.

RUN 87 octane for a tank, if the Knock Sensor light does not come on then keep running its. Its a PROVEN FACT that an engine will run better and make more power with a lower octane fuel IF there is no predetonation (aka Knock/Ping). And since Yamaha was kind enough to put a knock sensor on these sleds we can tell if our engine is having predetonation. Running 87 vs. 91 on mine isn't noticable I powere gain but I can see a slight gain in RPM with 87 with is a sign of added power. I get between 15 and 20mpg running 87 E10 and about the same running 91 pure gas.
Darn it you guys have talked me into trying 87.LOL redPhazer and I were gassing up few weeks ago and I asked him"Gonna try the cheap stuff?"We both chickened out since we didnt want to deal with any issues and ruin our ride.Will be riding from home again so what the hey.Let you all know by end of day how tank of 87 worked.
i all ways run 87 its all stock havent had an issue yet. i ran two tanks of 91 just to c but no difference so whats the poing in paying more if u dont need it
Lower octane gas produces more power, run as low an octane as you can without hitting the knock sensor. Higher octane gas burns less efficiently and costs more and is only for protecting your engine.

Also, all of this depends on elevation, in the mountains you can go 2-3 octane lower because the air is less dense.

Well 1/2 a tank of 87 Mobil gas today and nothing happened.Couldnt hear any pinging and no light.Still makes me a bit nervous though.
i run 93 in mine with a fitch fuel catalist in the tank and i pretreat my fuel for both sleds with startron enzyme treatment getting 20-23mpg consistantly. the startron helps with the e-10 ethanol problems.. my sled has seen noting else and never will as long as i own it. well i was thinking of mixing some race gas in...lol
Ran 87 octane with 10% Ethanol Blend at 50 degrees first year I owned
the Phazer and no Knock Sensor came on. I was trying to get it to come on and even ran it until yellow overheat light came on and no Knock Sensor even then. I run at least 91 octane with no Ethanol Blend so I do not have to treat it or spend the money on addatives.
I have only run 87 in mine, and my last trip was over 26mpg cdn. I have never had any funny lights or anything on the display...what's the knock sensor indicator look like?
