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Right side of track worn severely!

mdkuni said:
Yummy said:
Does the ice stick at the suspension parts like it does with the Mono?

In Icing condition, all the Mono tubes increase in size by 3-5 times!

Yummy I know exactly what you are referring to as I saw it many times on my mono and I can tell you the ZX2 doe not even come close to that. I do not think I have ever seen any ice build up on this skid besides the metal revolver plate. Some wet heavy snow does stick but most of the time the skid is clear.

I did see one picture by rxrider where there was snow in his skid but I think with the snow he was riding in that day anything would have held snow..

You're right mdkuni, the snow was fresh and very wet, temps were just below freeze that day. And yes this snow would have stuck to anything. In cold weather it does not hold any snow.
