Rubbing sound at front of skid

no I did not. It was pretty good. I did have to refill the rear one as we let out all the air so it would compress.
That was mine that we had to adjust in the parking lot at Grand Mesa. We just dropped the skid to the lower front holes and the middle holes on the rear. The noise went away. I experience the exact same things you are. Uneven terrain or deceleration.

If you take your hand on the top of the track you can flick it up and hear it hitting the tunnel. To change it undo the rear tri hub to allow more flex in the track. Remove the rear bolts, then the front ones. Move the front ones down, then reinsert the rears in the middle holes. Tighten track and do up trihub. Took us only 10 minutes. Yes they have anti-stab wheels.
I loosened rear tri hub, having a hard time lining holes back up to lower it. Do I have to undo rear tri hub completely in order to have enough play to move it into position? Obviously I've never never lowered or done anything with skid before. :)
I have had to use ratchet strap to get holes lined up when putting skid back in. Also may want to take all pressure of shock, this may help.
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I had to loosen the tri hub a fair bit. Put the front bolts in first. It helps if the rear shock has no air in the main chamber ( top valve) make sure you loosen the bolts on the trihub not just the adjusters.

Once the front bolts are in then do the rear ones. We got front ones close and used a screw driver to line up holes.

Rear ones are easier. For the fronts I used my feet to push the skid towards the rear by pushing on the tri hub.
Thanks guys. I'll have to put it back together on Wednesday when I get back from work. I took all air out of rear shock already, just about an inch from getting it to lower hole.
Thanks for the advice.
The goofy part is the 2016 I picked up this week from the dealer has the skid already mounted in the lower front hole & middle hole in the rear. Makes me wonder if some were not installed correctly.
I have a question for you guys. I don't know if were all talking about the same thing here but I have a 2015 viper ltx se, and before I brought the sled home I had the dealer put a 1.6" ice cobra track on the sled. I have out 3100km on the sled with no issue. Mine has a vibration and weird kind of noise but it only happens when the sled is coming to a stop. I asked the dealer about this and they said it was normal and that it was probably just the extrovert drivers. Does your guys vipers make any noise right before it stops or am I experiencing the same thing as the original poster?
I do know even the RTX track hits the stud protectors on deceleration and braking. Mine are black from rubber. Has lessened with miles or I just have gotten used to it. No wear on track from it happening.
Was that directed at me TD? Only reason I posted there was there was a link to it here somewhere and because I couldn't believe how incompetant they were for changing springs. Surprised they left that comment there. Those guys should come here where we know what we are talking about!
AI seems to have a close relationship with cat so if the sleds are being assembled incorrectly it should get back to Cat quickly.
