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Runs great without boost controller............

Turbo Tim

TY 4 Stroke Master
Dec 22, 2003
Anyone else have a turbo sled that runs great without a boost controller
But when you install a boost controller it runs rough ,especially when getting into the throttle hard ?

The one thing I have noticed about all boost controllers is that they use a small jet to limit the amount of flow through the wastegate tube .

I have tried the cpr controller , the bender controller ,and a $130.00
Turbo controller from turbo xs all with the same results.......?????????

hardcore said:
Man mine runs great right now but looking to go to a boost controller.But don`t want to if it will cause problems :o|

Alot of guys on this forum are using them with good results .........there must be an answer .........probably something simple I have not tried yet.
I strongly believe that most issues like this are related to the pressure venting system of the turbo. Kinked or bent lines and poor seals(small leaks) are usually the source of all problems. Lines that appear good when cool can bend and close up when warmed up while running. Maybe by removing the controller, you are taking some of the pressure off of a weak point in the system and thus masking the real problem?
I have the simple allen key adjustable turbo xs boost controller and when its not turned out at least a couple turns there is noticebly more lag.Say for exmpl. when i'm riding at a low elevation I have it turned in to keep my boost down to 10lb's,then when I get to the high country i'll only get 8lb's so I turn it out 1 or 2 turns and its seems like alot more instant spool up for some reason.
The answer you are looking for is the Turbonetics adjustable controller. It is not a bleed type system, the only problem is that you need to change from a single port actuator to a dual port wastegate actuator. The controller then applies pressure to both sides of the actuator creating a smooth and accurate max boost limit. The issue becomes cost, this setup will end up costing more than simple bleed systems, but in my view is well worth it.
Buckeye said:
I strongly believe that most issues like this are related to the pressure venting system of the turbo. Kinked or bent lines and poor seals(small leaks) are usually the source of all problems. Lines that appear good when cool can bend and close up when warmed up while running. Maybe by removing the controller, you are taking some of the pressure off of a weak point in the system and thus masking the real problem?

........8 p.s.i., no boost controller runs perfect
....... 10 p.s.i. , no boost controller runs flawless
....... 8 p.s.i. with boost controller installed w/ switch in off position
stumbles on the low end , 11 p.s.i switch on - same thing

The only difference in this scenario is the jet in the turbo wastegate tube
my system does not like the boost in spike it causes.
I ck 'd my fuel pressure today on one of the sleds...........7 p.s.i at idle ...........took it down to 5 p.s.i. any other idea's ?
This problem has finally been figured out , The turbo xs controller has a "fine" and a course adjustment .

The manual says turning in the fine adjustment past 2 turns may cause turbo lag .
I found that turning this adjustment in to about 1 & 1/2 turns while causing a little bit of lag also prevents The spike in boost I used to get which was causing my sputtering problem ..................
......the boost before would jump up to 17 p.s.i. and then go down to 12,
now it Rises up to 12 p.s.i. with no spike .... ;)!

Just passing along info, as I know of some others that have had this problem .
