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rx1 carb cleaning


Oct 6, 2013
Reaction score
Northwest Indiana
Seems like carbs need cleaning ..any tips? a friend told me to remove orings in float bowls where it slides over jets? Do they need to be synched?
Step two is clean the carbs again if necessary. Clean your carbs bud seriously its all it needs. :carbs:
Check the throttle cable free play, to tight cable may trigger the TORS system.
It's supposed to be 2-3 millimeter gap (free play) at the throttle lever.
While cleaning the carbs adjust the pilot air screw at the bottom of the carbs to 2 turns out from lightly seated.
Inspect the rubber diaphrams on top of the slides for cracks.
Make sure the small o-rings underneat the carb cap goes back, easy to loose them when taking the carb caps off.
Check the vacuum signal lines going from the carbs to the fuel pumps.
Make sure you have fresh fuel.
Inspect or change the plugs.
rxrider said:
Check the throttle cable free play, to tight cable may trigger the TORS system.
It's supposed to be 2-3 millimeter gap (free play) at the throttle lever.
While cleaning the carbs adjust the pilot air screw at the bottom of the carbs to 2 turns out from lightly seated.
Inspect the rubber diaphrams on top of the slides for cracks.
Make sure the small o-rings underneat the carb cap goes back, easy to loose them when taking the carb caps off.
Check the vacuum signal lines going from the carbs to the fuel pumps.
Make sure you have fresh fuel.
Inspect or change the plugs.[/

Better than text book advise.... Can't loose following this advise.
Take metal sleeve off coils and clean everything really well. Little di-electric grease on reassembly. Coils sometimes arc.

Decided to tackle the exhaust noise first and found 3 of the 4 header flanges are cracked and no sign of exhaust gasket...I have no idea how long this condition has been present as I purchased the sled during the summer and sat was my 1st ride on it.
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What you found may be partly Your problem, but probably not the Whole problem, it need to be fixed though. Fix the exhaust take the plugs out and crank the engine to dry out the cylinders if flooded. Install New plugs and go from there.
Check your airbox. Make sure it is clamped tight to your carbs. I had this happen this year when I changed my oil. The airbox was not on all the way and it was sucking more air and leaned out the sled. I could not get passed 60mph without is feeling like the engine had no more power. WOT was guttless. once I found the airbox was loose I fixed it and no more problems.
Great tip Pbadgley, very likely cause to the problem.
Well if it was tors the sled will not move forward and you were riding it so I think that is not it. Exhaust will cause noise louder and even some rattling when the donuts are gone same with cracked exhaust components. I had this exhaust problem on my 05 rx1 and it still went like hell just loud and annoying. Now when the carbs were dirty it was harder to start and had to use choke to keep it running it ran but not smooth as it should be and had backfire and yes it would seem to die on wide open throttle. I still think your major problem is your carbs need to be cleaned especially the pilots. They look like a cannon barrel and remember your jets may look clean but may be coated with a glaze. One more thing if the other person had cleaned the carbs it is very easy to mix up the power jets with the main jets check for that. I would also change the phillips screws to allen head ones on your float bowls while your at it as they strip easily.
You don't really need the o rings they are only for steep inclines if your not in the mountains don't worry about them. The washer yea a small one from the hardware should work, not sure if they are even necessary. Happy sledding!
tors can cause it to do that mine was acting up at mid throttle it would pop and backfire.but cleaning carbs in a necessity .
The pilots can be a pain if the carbs are dirty.
A friend of mine had to clean the pilot jets 6 times in a row on the same day before the sled would run properly. He did not clean the carbs, probably should have.
