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(Season 2008-09) TY Mileage – Yellowknife

LOL... Sticking cruisecontrol... HAHAHA!!!

I guess the Bearcat is a little accidentprone... LOL

Great report, as allways. ;)!

I don't know if the sled is stolen. I didn't bother to look into it.

Sleding Weekend Number 10!

Well the entertainment value is back up on this adventure. Good times were had, and a few things were busted or set on fire. Oh yes. Good times.

We blocked off a 4 day/4 night adventure at the wall tent beginning New Years Eve, and during our coldest temperatures to date this winter reaching all the way down to –44 degrees.

The video says it all, but here’s an outline with photo’s.

We departed in the evening, trailering to our launching spot. So far so good.

I drove the power wagon, and our first guest (Margy) drove her Civic out, cause she was only going to stay one night.

We headed into camp and got the fire going, got the generator going, and unpacked. So far so good.

Ok, I lied. We had bearcat troubles. See video.

We survived night 1 celebrating the new year to the early morning hours. Day 1 didn’t even start until the afternoon, but we cut some fire wood, and then it was night time again.

Sounds uneventful, but at –40, you wouldn’t believe the physical energy it takes to be outdoors and stay warm…you get frost in places you don’t usually get frost…



In the tent is a piece of cake, its just like being inside a house, nice and warm.

We did have some more bearcat problems in the morning, getting sleds started at these temperatures, 4 strokes no less was interesting. See video.

We had to get Margy home too, her car was parked at the launching point, frozen solid. We plugged it into the generator for 5 hours and got it going.

Day 2, Greg and I cut some more wood and did some more fishing, and a bit of riding.


What does 135 km/h do to a boggan that has a tackle box in it? See video…

What does a 135 km/h windchill work out to be at –40? - 71 C which is –96 F. How’s that for a sled durability test, or a helmet test, or clothing test? Wide open on the Nytro across the lake. Cold. During the day we did some fishing, with some success. We also constructed a bunk bed..see video…


Later that night, Janice came out to spend the rest of the weekend with us.

She caught a trout! See video.

Day 3, some riding, hit the magic mileage on the Nytro!! We also watched a lot of TV out there, and we had another Christmas celebration since Greg was out of town on the 25th. Check out what I got him;

It’s a gun. It shoots marshmallows. 50 feet. lol

During our wood cutting expedition, something caught on fire. See video.

We ate like royalty out there…



Day 4 we went down to the launch site to try the Power Wagon. It had warmed up to –27 C (-17 F) See video. We packed things up, and headed home.

What a great trip. We survived, but some equipment didn’t.

The Phazer is still down, the engine is in, is installed, however they were not able to re-use the old exhaust donuts and clamps, so we’re waiting on new ones to come in before I get it back. The Nytro has a growing list of needed repairs. Nothing major, but they are adding up none the less. My shocks are finished, front to back. There’s nothing left of them, I’m riding on the springs now, the shocks don’t even do anything, so, I’m in the market and interested on input for new shocks. I want something high end, rebuildable and solid enough to take the un-groomed trails here. I will even consider and entirely new rear skid and at that point probably a new track. If you’ve got suggestions of makes or models, or any information that will help me with my research, please advise. I will be keeping the Nytro at least 1 more year after this one. The Phazer? I’m not sure yet. There could be a new sled on order for the 2010 model year, and if that’s the case I’ll be looking at all 4 brands.

It’s past 2 AM, The video is broken into two parts. I’m going to bed. Enjoy the vids!!

Sleding Weekend Number Ten: Video Link Part One

Sleding Weekend Number Ten: Video Link Part Two

LOL!! Camping @ -40!! You guys are nuts! Looks like you all still had a very good time! I think sled manu's should send their products to you guys for some real world product testing! Yikes!
yep,me too, every monday night I watch for news from the past weekend, what an adventure, I almost feel like I am there with them. keep up the great work Allan.
Blue 4's Rule said:
LOL!! Camping @ -40!! You guys are nuts! Looks like you all still had a very good time! I think sled manu's should send their products to you guys for some real world product testing! Yikes!



You really need to promote yourself to the manufacturers. I don't know if you have heard of John Dee but he host a sledding and weather site and he was able to get a Cat dealer, or Cat themselves to give him a Demo M8, and was able to do the same with a XTX but he ended up buying the unit himself. I think with the longevity of the season and the extreme conditions you ride in and your reporting that you might be able to swing such a deal. Thanks as always for the entertainment.

That Curvy the Burvy fish.... we have them down here. People really say they taste good. We call them "lawyers" in Minnesota I think they call them ellpout or something like that. Huge fishing festival for them in Minn
Hornet - the manufacturers are well aware of what we do. I'd love to do some official work for them and would jump on an offer, but that would also probably result in me having the keep my mouth shut and stay off these forums, but i'd be willing to do it if it would help improve the products. I try to give as much feedback as possible to the approapriate 'ears' and stay professional regarding my comments and critisisms.

Kevin, those fish are tasty, but man they're ugly lol

Also, an update, my Nytro is leaking oil, from what I can tell there is a drip coming from the oil pressure switch at the crank. I will be getting the Phazer back on Friday and perfect timing for the Nytro to go in for a long list of issue's including:

For both the Nytro and the Phazer, I would like to install a tether switch to prevent the sled from running if it tips over in the powder and I fall off. It's also an effort to keep oil from spilling out the oil reservoir vent. I find if the sled is off but tipped over, you don't lose much (if any) oil, vs. having it running while it pumps the oil out the line from the pressure inside the tank.

For both the Nytro and the Phazer, I would like better hand warmers. The stock ones are too weak.

The shocks on my Nytro are finished - I'm riding on the springs now. I don't want to replace them with the same shocks, they are low quality. I'm interested in high end HPG rebuildable shocks, maybe GYTR's or Ohlins, or the Fox shocks - i'm not sure what will fit from other models in Yamaha's line-up but hoping my dealer can give me some options and prices. I'm looking at both front shocks and both rear track shocks, and springs accordingly. I know the 2009 MTX came with better rear shocks but I'm not sure what kind they are. I definitely want rebuildables.

- my right rear idler wheel bearing is toast and needs replacing

- I need my ball joints checked, there is a lot of play in them and they might be shot

- I think the exhaust donuts and/or clamps are shot, there appears to be exhaust gases spraying into my engine compartment and I got a backfire for the first time on Sunday

- I think my engine oil pressure switch (the one at the crank) is leaking engine oil - I had a pool of oil under my motor this morning in the garage, it appears to be about the same amount that usually sits in the crank - I cleaned up the motor, refilled the reservoir, ran it a bit and I see dripping from the oil pressure switch - no leaking from filter, and my airbox was squeaky clean so I don't think it came from the crankcase breather either. (warranty)

- My reverse lever needs to be replaced.

- My emergency brake cable snapped inside the cable housing and needs to be repaired

- I'd like my clutches looked at for wear and tear, my ramps and arms might be worn out

7000 km's and the list goes on...
i like how u tell it how it is u dont try and mask up your sleds problems in fear of a person on a competitor tries to bug u because something happened. Lol i got the crap bugged outta me on how doo sucks on another forum because i smoked a rock at 50 and it bent an inch ROFL!

Im like guys that was completly my fault i dont care though cuz i just get to bug em when their machines die! anyways ride safe have fun and good luck with the sled fixes! looking forward to ur next log!

You could always advertise it on E-bay............. Only ridden on sundays........ :jump: MM.
LOL yeah....we were ice fishing a few years ago.

I had never seen one, we never catch them on open water, just through the ice it seems.

Someone pulled one up and I was like "what the XXXX is that thing" they said a Lawyer. I said drown the SOB, its friggen ugly.

People were fighting over the damn thing. Said it tastes like lobster. I said, no thanks I will pass.
"I'd love to do some official work for them and would jump on an offer, but that would also probably result in me having the keep my mouth shut and stay off these forums"

thats just the point, if you were to get sleds, you must not hide anything, if they want to get on board with you, they have to be ready for the positives, but also the negatives if there are any, you must continue just like you are now, that is the best snowmobiling testaments on the internet these days, please don't change, we get the facts with you and that is what I like.
