SideWinder As Advertised WOW

Hi Guys WOW this thing is a Weapon!!!
I've always had the Big Power sleds Clutched but never boosted,but this thing is Fun as hell NOT for amateur riders I have 3 kids and have always said here to it out and try it NOT with this I know the outcome it would be the 2nd Sidewinder crashed.One thing though has me puzzled I stopped at a friend's place today had my daughter with me she was driving my 15 Viper didn't think I was talking long Maybe 3-4 and the sidewinder shut off by it self the Viper kept running and I heard fan running but Not on the Sidewinder just shut down Any ideas?

No way no how you were only talking 3 or 4 mins.....LOL, you talk more then me! haha

SW has NO fan, like our old apex had, and your viper has....Just like my 4tec doo, it will shut off if left idling. My 4tec doo will idle for quite some time though before shutting off, likely 15 to 20 minutes easily on a normally cold day.

When riding, if you get onto a road your temp gauge will climb but Its alot harder for engine to reach shut down temp when revving higher as the water pump is cranking the coolant around the system thru exchangers ect....but it could happen, but typically will shut down when stopped/idling.

Don told me his 4tec did this one time, when waiting roadside to cross a road...idling away, traffic/cars coming......after some time the cars finally were clear and he went to proceed across road and it died in the road! This could be catastrophic if there is alot of car traffic coming at you! So he added the front rad/fan to the 4tec.

