Sidewinder Belts

I think that ClutchMaster should be brought back to TY if he'd even come back. It's a dang shame that he ended up suspended. IMO the idiots drove him down a bad path and in turn some things got said that hurt some feelings. Same idiots that keep Allen Ulmer away and even myself and many others from posting up dang good information.

ClutchMaster should be brought back as he's forgot more than some of the others will ever know. I know how he felt though dealing with the dopes and know-it all wannabes. Its easy to lose ones cool when dealing with some fools. I've learned to let some stuff go and not even post information to argue with the idiots anymore. Sometimes its had to stay quiet though.

I say bring back ClutchMaster! He wasn't afraid to bring the GOOD INFORMATION to the table and explain it. Everyone deserves a second chance!
I agree and would like to not only see him back but to ride with him like we planned but he said some things that shouldn't be said and I doubt he will ask to be brought back. It is a shame but is the way it is. I will call him and see if he will do what needs to be done but I highly doubt it.
Maybe a good lesson for us all - civility and an openness to other's with a lot of experience is what makes TY such a great resource.
Well said
